Chapter 20: House Tour

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It's now Sunday and it's been a day since I got a harem filled with eight girls that I truly are in love with.

As the morning sun's ray land on my eyes which makes me wake up and as I slowly open my eyes, I felt weight on my left and right sides so I looked to see Twilight asleep on my left side and the Shimmers asleep on my right side. I just smiled and held them closer to me which made three girls in their sleep.

Kevin: 'To think, yesterday I had one girlfriend and all of a sudden I got a harem with eight girlfriends, eight girls who I truly love...' I thought before Twilight and the Shimmers wake up. "Morning girls. " I said to them.

Twilight Sparkle & the Shimmers: "Morning Kevin." Three of them said kissed me on my cheeks which I respond by kissing three of them quickly on their cheeks.

Kevin: "Did you girls sleep well?"

Twilight Sparkle: "I did."

Sunset Shimmer: "So did I."

Sunshine: "Me too."

Twilight Sparkle: "I'll go wake up Spike." She said and she get of the bed and went to Spike's bedroom.

Twilight Sparkle: "Morning Spike. "

Spike: "Morning Twilight."

Twilight Sparkle: "Do you had a good sleep."

Spike: "It was good I like my new room." He said then me and the Shimmers entered in Spike's room.

Kevin & the Shimmers: Morning Spike."

Spike: "Morning guys."

Twilight Sparkle: "So what are we gonna do today." She said to me.

Kevin: "How about I guys to show around the house today." I suggested

Twilight Sparkle: "Like one big tour around the house with all of us together?"

Kevin: "I guess you could say that. So what do you say?"

Twilight Sparkle: "I'm okay with it."

Sunset Shimmer: "Me too."

Sunshine: "Me three."

Spike: "Me four."

Kevin: "Excellent."

Spike: "Oh how about we bring Flash and the Crusaders over to join the tour."

Sunshine: "Get idea Spike what do you think Kevin." She said to me.

Kevin: "Okay then. Now let's have breakfast, get changed, call the other girls and Flash, tell them of our plans and see if we can have a tour around the house for the day." I tell three of my eight girlfriends and Spike who nod and Spike get out of his bed.

All of us had breakfast, changed into our causal clothes and I was able to call my other girlfriends and Flash over to my place and they all showed up together at my place and they all showed up together with the Crusaders and Flash Sentry at my front door.

Applebloom: "So this were Kevin live sis."

Applejack: "Yep

Flash Sentry: "It's a nice house."

Rainbow Dash: I know right."

Then I open the door for them.

Kevin: "Hey guys." I said.

(Hu)Mane 5, Crusaders and Flash Sentry: "Hey Kevin."

Rarity: "So what did you call us for Kevin?"

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