Chapter 57: Showdown 2 and Leaving Camp Everfree

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Everyone's eyes widen that they saw me while some had tears of joy.

Twilight Sparkle: "No way Kevin turn back to normal."

Fluttershy: "I'm so happy his back to normal."

Rainbow Dash: "Now his gonna to kick Gaea Everfree's butt."

As I got off the vine ball and landed on my feet.

Kevin: "Before we fight I need those guys first." I said as went to the rest of my girlfriends, my brothers and sister and the Animal Squad then I my two fingers which I new technique called Praying Mantis Slash which I slice the vines that were wrapped around their legs. "There we go all of you are free."

Lucy Heart: "Thanks Kevin."

Kevin: "No problem."

Blake Belladonna: "Say Kevin what's that a new technique?"

Kevin: "Yep I had a new technique."

Seryu: "Kevin look out behind you!" She shouted as I turn around and saw vines coming right at me but I slice them off with my praying mantis slash and the girls eyes widen.

Midnight: "Whoa did you see what Kevin did!"

Fluttershy: "He use his two fingers without a sword!"

Rarity: "What kind of technique is that?"

Rainbow Dash: "I don't know but it's looks so AWESOME!"

Kevin: "Time to use my new power." I said as rolled up my right sleeve which my right arm has a dragon mark.

" I said as rolled up my right sleeve which my right arm has a dragon mark

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Then Spike saw my dragon mark on my arm as he spoke to the girls.

Spike: "Girls look he has a dragon mark on his right arm. He pointed to me which the girls saw it.

Sunset Shimmer: "How did he get that!"

Twilight Sparkle: "I don't know how he get that."

Applejack: "May that's his new power."

Gaea Everfree: "Enough of this!" She said as she summon more vines to attack me then my dragon mark start glowing.

Kevin: "Not this time. Fire dragon king roar!" Fire a blast of fire out of my mouth which the flames was crimson red then the fire burn all the vines.

Sunshine: "Whoa his flames are crimson red!"

Spike: "So that's how he got that dragon mark on his arm I want one like that."

Rainbow Dash: "Me too."

Then Gaea Everfree summon more vine monsters which they were three of them as Gaea Everfree spoke.

Gaea Everfree: "Before you fight how about you take off your hat that cover your eyes."

Kevin: "Heh very well then." I said as I took off my hat and my eyes were yellow and three marks appeared both of my cheeks.

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