Chapter 75: Enter the Halloween King part 5

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So they walk off but only not know the ground underneath something move as it sent a moved as the ground bolt out as the rumble heard. No one know but Snowball sense something as he make a noise to get attraction which Mei know this.

Mei: "Snowball what's wrong."


Mei: "You sense something underground beneath us?"

Kevin soon felt it too as slasher spoke.

Slasher: "Kid, I sense something burrow and it coming up."

Kevin nod before told to the others.

Kevin: "Girls, something in the ground be carful."

As soon said that, the ground burst out and revealed a giant worm creature as it have a mouth with fangs like three that weirdly that open and close. It's whole body was purple and it all covered in spikes with no eyes on it.

 It's whole body was purple and it all covered in spikes with no eyes on it

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Kevin: "I'm not sure what it is but we have to kill it."

Ap: "Hey, what's that thing carry on it's back?"

Pointing at the back of the creature, Kevin see five shells that protect from the monster worm. Kevin knew there's more people in there and have to save them.

Kevin: "Looks like we have to beat this sucker."

Battle Music: Breaking Though It All - Sonic Frontiers OST

Kevin rush towards the worm but only it bury itself as he didn't hit it to get closer.

Kevin: "Damn it, it bury itself."

Then O'Neil has an idea.

O'Neil: "I have an idea."

April: "What is it?"

O'Neil: "I have have this mutant powers from the kraang from my world as I can use it to find the thing."

Kevin thought but understand she mutant powers and decide to use it to test.

Kevin: "Okay O'Neil do it."

She place her hand on the ground as she felt a rumble and breathing as she shout out.

O'Neil: "IT'S UNDER THERE." (Point at the near by)

Kevin nod as he use his earth dragon slayer magic to made fist turn into hard rock as he shout out.

Kevin: "Let's play whack a worm. EARTH DRAGON: SHOCK WAVE!"

He punch the ground so hard as the worm burst out and roar in pain. Then Mei fire the ice blast and it scream in pain of ice. Cherri throw the bombs as it mouth open as it swallow and blast was heard which stun the creature making Kevin realize it weak point.

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