Chapter 42: Alien Showcase and new girlfriends

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It's been an weird day since the ghouls came to this world then the students of CHS including the Principles are in shock that they look at the ghouls then my brothers Flash Sentry, Heath Burns and Crimson Napalm were about to attack the ghouls but I stopped them and I said to them that the ghouls are good and the ghouls told them everything what happened to them that they were kidnapped by Konde Von Burtine so Sunset told them that we save the ghouls from Konde Von Burtine and they were amazed that the twins were working with the monster hunter but we stop them so I tell the Principal's that the ghouls can come to school with us and they said yes which the ghouls cheered and all the students can get along with the ghouls just fine which made me smiled that all the students are making friends with the ghouls.

(Time Skip)

My girlfriends and brother Spike were talking with the ghouls and Cleo de Nile wears a new outfit that Rarity made for her.

My girlfriends and brother Spike were talking with the ghouls and Cleo de Nile wears a new outfit that Rarity made for her

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Twilight Sparkle: "So you ghouls enjoy this school?"

Lagoona Blue: "Yeah we love this school we love it mate."

Cleo de Nile: "And Rarity thanks for making me this new outfit thank you."

Rarity: "Your welcome darling."

Then Spike notice the Principles putting a poster on the wall as walk towards the poster that it says Alien Showcase tomorrow in the soccer field.

Spike: "Guys look!" He pointed at the poster which my girlfriends looks at it.

Sunset Shimmer: "Wow, an alien showcase will be tomorrow in the soccer field!"

Rarity: "My goodness Kevin will be happy for this."

Rainbow Dash: "This is gonna be AWESOME!!"

Pinkie Pie: "I can't wait for tomorrow when Kenny show us all of his aliens."

Fluttershy: "I hope he doesn't destroy the school."

Sour Sweet: "I sure hope so."

(One day later)

Today was the Alien Showcase and I was ready. Everyone is on the field in the benches, while Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna are on the field and they holding two microphones for the both of them.

Principal Celestia: "Welcome to first ever Alien Showcase."

Vice Principal Luna: "Where Kevin Trident will perform his abilities for everybody in the school."

Principal Celestia: "And here's the Hero of Canterlot High, Kevin Trident!" She said directing everyone's attention to me.

As I walk to the middle of the field as Celestia and Luna headed to their VIP seats, I summon a headset with a microphone on it.

Kevin: "Are you all ready to have your minds blown?"

Everyone: "YEAH!"

Kevin: "Alright, what's the first alien?"

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