Chapter 35: Cooking

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We all walk in the hallway of the school then Jin looking around the school.

Robbie Shen: "This is a nice school it's just like my old school when I was a teenager."

Flash Sentry: "What's the name of your School Jin?"

Robbie Shen: "It's called Senton Academy a place where animals and humans that go to school." He explained.

Cherry Crash: "Wow!? I never knew you had a school Jin."

Robbie Shen: "You get use to it Ms. Crash."

Thunderbass: "What about you guys did you go to the same school with Jin?" He asked to the rest of the Animal Squad.

Cole Shou: "Yeah we did go to the same school."

Joe Flame: "Also were his classmates and we became friends with Jin."

Robbie Shen: "And I met a beautiful girl so I married her."

Velvet Sky: "Awww, that's so sweet of you Robbie do you have kids."

Robbie Shen: "I have a daughter."

Flash Sentry: "What's her name Robbie?"

Robbie Shen: "Her name is-" He cut off when a classroom door open and the person who open the door was Skitty.

Then she saw me and she smile.

Skitty: "Hi Kevin."

Kevin: "Hey Skitty."

I started petting her head which she starts purring.

Kevin: "What are you doing here?"

Skitty: "I just finished my work so I'm in my school break what are you-" She stops when she saw Robbie and her eyes went widen as Robbie Shen spoke to her.

Robbie Shen: "Skitty."

Skitty: "Daddy."

Everyone expects Me and The Animal Squad: "DADDY!?"

Then all of the sudden Skitty jump into Robbie's arms and give him a big hug.

Skitty: "DADDY!"

Robbie Shen: "Skitty my sweet little daughter how are you."

Skitty: "I'm doing fine Daddy what are you doing here?" She asked.

Robbie Shen: "Were heading to the cafeteria with Flash Sentry and his friends to taste one of our foods." He said.

Skitty: "Ooh can I come with you daddy I love to taste your foods again that you made for me and Mom."

Robbie Shen: "Sure you can come along sweetheart."

Ringo: "Hey Kevin can we ask you something."

Kevin: "Sure go ahead."

Mystery Mint: "Is Skitty really Robbie's daughter?"

Kevin: "Yes he is."

Cherry Crash: "Why are you not in shock at this?"

Kevin: "Well when Skitty was a 8 years old Robbie asked my parents to babysit her and they accept to babysit her as Robbie give his phone number to my parents and he disappeared then me and Skitty were playing with my actions figures."

Velvet Sky: "That's so sweet about you Kevin."

Kevin: "Thanks Velvet Sky."

Bulk Biceps: "So what happened next?"

Kevin: "When I was in the dance room Skitty saw me dancing and she ask me to learn how to dance then she follow every dance move that I do then my Mom ask me to summon Robbie and Luke so I summon them which they bring more kids to babysit so my Mom told me to use shadow clone jutsu for each of them to learn something." I said.

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