Chapter 74: Enter the Halloween King part 4

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With the last Pumpkin monster got smash, all it's left was a smash up pile of goo and stuff as Kevin and others was panting as the others got out of their hiding place as they look around the mess they made as Pinkie lick the pumpkin goo.

Pinkie Pie: "MMMM. Delicious."

Rainbow Dash: "Pinkie, that's gross eating the monster pumpkin we just fight?"

Vaggie: "Rainbow's right, you do not know where it from."

Charlie: "Vaggie, It's dead and it's not all bad. Plus were now safe, don't worry there's no more pumpkin monsters."

Kevin: "Charlie right, we can now to-"

Before he could finish, a laugh was heard as it echo around them in the cave as a small size pumpkin as it roll in the middle. Before they wonder what it is, the thing released a strange smoke as they coughing and wheezing as they drop to the ground one by one to the ground. Kevin was fighting the strange smoke as he couldn't use his powers to break this thing as soon he felt the wave the feeling causing him to fell to the ground. Before he pass out his vision was blurry as the figure appear out of nowhere as it walk towards to Kevin's face as it chuckled.

???: "My-my-my, this impressing I never you got that far but I'm afraid you will never ruin my plan so, sweet dreams. Ehahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha."

And before Kevin knew it, he suddenly pass out.


In the other part of the mine, Dennva and the kids was walking in while ago as they search their family as they been while walking through the cave for the place was dark and scary place to be hiding here from the above. Now they know the pumpkin ghouls are planning something with the people and their family as they have to find them or something happen to them. As they were walking though the cave Eri was scared and nervous of the place and worry of the other and their brother even she can't help them with her quirk that everyone wants her quirk for evil but now she with her new family, she's safe from the bad people from her world. Dennva know the history about the kids and he do everything to protect them and not do the some mistake again. He was thought about them when a sound echo around as something ahead trough them. He stop them and tells them to hide as they duck behind a boulder as the Pump-Ghoul walk pass them mindless not know they were there as it moan and groan while proctor the pester the place and left to the other way. Once it's gone, they rush over to the other tunnel and they exit from the tunnel as they panting, Eri learn against the wall as she felt something slim and sticky as she gasp and turn to see at the wall of strange goo which it pulsing and beat as it was alive. Dennva and the kids spot what Eri discover of.

Eri: "What is this?"

Dennva: "Not sure but I'm feeling  they put in some kind of cocoon."

Mahoro Shimano: "How can we get them out?"

Dennva spot a tool lie around as he walk over and pick up an pick-axe as his mind gives him an idea as he walk back to the goo cocoon as he shout to the kids.


They step back as Dennva swing the pick-axe and stuck it hard and it was open as the goo shell spill out as it spill to the ground. Once it done spill gust out, the liquid soon clear as they see to revealed was familiar figure as a white hair and a demon tail to know it was Malina. She groan as she open her eyes as she see Dennva and Kevin's siblings.

Malina: "What the? Guys? What are you all doing here? Where am I?"

Dennva: "You been capture and we're in the abandoned mine while we are looking for Kevin's parents. They been kidnapped."

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