Chapter 22: Trained the Dragon and the Rainboom Fury

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A week passed since Spike had started his training with me.

In the boxing room Spike was practicing his punches with me.

Kevin: "Come on Spike punch harder." I said then Spike punches harder.

Spike: "Like that."

I nodded.

Few minutes later Spike finish his boxing training and then he's ready for wrestling training so I summon my clone so that he can trained with.

Clone: "Your ready Spike."

Spike: "Yes I am."

15 minutes later

Spike has complete his wrestling training and his ready for his gun shootings practice in the gun room so Spike started aiming any guns that he used like pistols, shotguns, assault rifles, sniper rifles and light machine gun.

Next of his training is kung fu so he started soon punches and kicks at me.

Next Spike has finish kung fu training and the last of his training is how to wield weapons and then started wield any weapons to swords, spears and nunchucks and we went to the ninja training room.

Minutes later Spike has finished all of his training.

Kevin: "Congrats Spike you have finish your training."

Spike: "Thank you Kevin for being my training master."

Kevin: "Hey about I called the girls that they trained too what do think Spike."

Spike: "Great idea Kevin I'll get Twilight and the Shimmers and you called the others." He said and he went to the living room to get Twilight and the Shimmers and I got my phone to call the others.

Few minutes later they all showed up together at my front door which I open for them and I tell them to trained and so they accepted to trained.

So I summon all of my clones for each of my girlfriends that they can trained.

In the ninja training room my first clone was training Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle to wield a sword.

Rainbow Dash was swung around a high frequency long blade.

And Twilight was swing her sword and her sword was the katana of the sun

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And Twilight was swing her sword and her sword was the katana of the sun.

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