Chapter 8: Night of the Fall Formal

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Kevin and the girls arrived at Carousal Boutique after finish cleaning up the gym.

Fluttershy: "I still can't believe we pulled it off."

Rainbow Dash: "I can. We're awesome!"

Rarity: "Enough chatter girls." She said gain everyone's attentions. "We need to get ready and look fabulous." She says with a smile while showing off a bunch of dresses.

Kevin: "Well girls, while you sort out your dresses, I need to get my suit ready for the Fall Formal. So I'm going to go home and get ready for the Fall Formal."

Rarity: "Okay Kevin and one thing I should tell you before you leave. Can you give me and the girls a ride to the Fall Formal?" She offered.

Kevin: "Sure so where do I oh and there's one suppise on my car girls?"

Applejack: "Okay Sugarcude come back here when your ready."

Kevin: "Okay got it, see you girls later." He said and waved goodbye to the girls and left the clothing store and headed to his car then drove off.

He was at home, having changed out of his casual clothes into his dancing suit.

He was at home, having changed out of his casual clothes into his dancing suit

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(Minus the gloves and necklace)

Kevin: "And done." He said as he finished putting on his hip hop hat which it has a face in it.

" He said as he finished putting on his hip hop hat which it has a face in it

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He then left he's room and went downstairs to where your parents are.

Kevin: "So what do you think?" He asked he's parents who looked at him with amazement.

Rose: "You look handsome sweetie."

Alex: "That's my boy! He got that bachelor look going down."

Kevin: "Thanks. I think I'm ready now." He said.

Alex: "Hey son there's something missing for the Fall Formal dance."

Kevin: "Really what is it."

He give he's son a pair of red sunglasses and necklace with a picture of a lion with bat wings.

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