Chapter 44: Canterlot Showdown

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Then the monsters with guns started firing and everyone went back inside their vehicles while Genji deflected all the bullets with his ninjato sword.

Sunset Shimmer: "Looks like were gonna summon our guns."

Nezuko: "Let's do it!"

They all summon their guns which all of them were machine guns and assault rifles that me and Spike use at the Friendship Games so they open their windows and start shooting then the right window of Flash Sentry's car was open and the person who open the window was Velvet Sky and she has a assault rifle which I turn my head and I her shooting.

Kevin as Red Speed: "Velvet Sky! What are you doing in Flash's car?"

Velvet Sky: "I ask Flash that I can help with you guys."

Kevin as Red Speed: "You ask her to join the fight?" I asked to my canterlot brother.

Flash Sentry: "Yeah she wants to join the fight after she's your girlfriend."

Kevin as Red Speed: "Your still the jokester Flash."

Flash Sentry: "I know but we gonna dill with those guys."

As they start shooting and Genji got some shurikens which it came out of his arm and he throw them at the alien vehicles then Kevin grab some lighting bolts from his speed and starts throwing and Najenda's cybernetic eye locks her target which it was the tire of one of the alien car then use sniper mode which one of her finger pointed and a hole appeared and her finger fire and it shot at one of the tires of the alien car which it lose control and crash into the second one and the other and three cars did a death roll 16 times and they were upside down and the three vehicles explodes.

Kevin as SpeedForce: "Nice shot Najenda!"

Najenda: "Thanks Kevin."

Yang Xaio Long: "Let's get going guys!"

Velvet Sky: "It's not over yet guys."

Flash Sentry: "Why not Velvet is something wrong?"

She pointed at the alien cars which one of the demon ninjas was on it's feet then he started running.

Kevin as Red Speed: "Looks like he's not finish yet."

As the demon ninja jump with his sword were ready and he about to attack Genji but he grab his sword and he swing he's sword which his sword strike in the demon ninja's stomach and split into two and demon ninja's body fell to the ground and black blood came out of his body.

Noctis Lucis Caelum: "Nice work Genji."

Genji: "Thanks Noctis."

As everyone got back inside the vehicles then we continue headed to the abandoned warehouse.

(Minutes later)

We all arrived at the abandoned warehouse the one that we save the ghouls from Konde Von Burtine as everyone got out their vehicles and I transform back into a human and we saw the road was by police cars but then I saw the police officer the one with the injured leg that I heal him.

Kevin: "Hey Officer."

Police Officer: "Kid glad you all made it I got some bad news for all of you guys."

Izuku Midoriya: "What's the problem officer?"

Police Officer: "All of the officers were taken from those Monsters their inside the warehouse and they use them as hostages and more bad news take a look at the rooftop." He pointed at the rooftop and saw monsters with sniper rifle.

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