Chapter 68 Kevin's Birthday Party

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It was morning today at Kevin's house we see Sunset and the others except for Kevin he was still asleep since he is a heavy sleeper, then the phone start ringing.

Sunset Shimmer: "I got it."

She answered the phone.

Sunset Shimmer: "Hello?"

???: "Hi Sunset."

Sunset Shimmer: "Ooh, Hello Mr. Trident how are you doing?"

Alex: "I'm fine thank you, hey I just let you know something."

Sunset Shimmer: "What is it?"

Alex: "Can you take a look at the calendar that has my son's name on it."

Sunset Shimmer: "Okay."

She look at the calendar and saw Kevin's name and it has a birthday cake in it.

Sunset Shimmer: "Yeah, I see his name but what's with the birthday cake?"

Alex: "You didn't know, it's Kevin's birthday today."

Sunset Shimmer: "Oh my gosh, I forgot it's Kevin's birthday today."

Alex: "I knew you remember his birthday, so are you gonna buy some stuff for his birthday?"

Sunset Shimmer: "Don't worry all of my friends are gonna help setting up for his birthday."

Alex: "That's good, oh I better get going I'm heading to work now but make you keep it a secret from Kevin that his birthday is today."

Sunset Shimmer: "Okay, I'll keep it as a secret and have fun at your work place."

Alex: "Thanks and tell Kevin that I said happy birthday."

Sunset Shimmer: "Okay I'll tell him."

Alex: "Thanks Sunset, bye."

Sunset Shimmer: "Bye Mr. Trident."

She hang up the phone then she to see the others.

Starlight Glimmer: "Who's calling on the phone Sunset?"

Sunset Shimmer: "It's Kevin's adopted dad he told me that it's Kevin's birthday today."

Twilight Sparkle: "It's Kevin's birthday today."

Sunset Shimmer: "Yeah but we need to keep it a secret from him."

Everyone agree as Sunset call the rest of her friends to tell them it's Kevin's birthday today and she told them to keep it as a secret and her friends agree that they won't tell Kevin that his birthday is today.

Then they heard footsteps and saw Kevin coming down the stairs in his casual clothes.

Kevin: "Morning guys how you all doing?"

Spike: "Uh nothing we were just drinking some coffee."

Kevin look at the group which they had weird smiles on their faces.

Kevin: "Why do you guys have weird smiles?"

Terry Bogard: "Uh, we just getting some fresh air."

Kevin: "Okay then, I'll be heading to grandparent's house to help them out for something."

Melissa Shield: "Okay have fun Kevin."

Kevin: "Thanks Melissa, see ya guys."

They all wave goodbye to Kevin as he headed to the garage and he gets on the red Camaro.

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