Chapter 6: Rallying the Students

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School was over and he and the (Hu)Mane 6 were at Sweet Shoppe.

School was over and he and the (Hu)Mane 6 were at Sweet Shoppe

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A street corner diner is run by Mr. And Mrs. Cake.

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Right now, the girls were sitting at a table while he and Twilight were at the counter, watching for his drinks

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Right now, the girls were sitting at a table while he and Twilight were at the counter, watching for his drinks.

Twilight Sparkle: "Thanks for buying my drink Kevin."

Kevin: "No problem." He said and Mrs. Cake shows up with his and Twilight's drinks.

Mrs. Cake: "Here you go." She said and handed the drinks to him.

Kevin: "Thanks Mrs. Cake." He thanked her and the both of them turned around to see Flash Sentry. "Oh hey Flash."

Flash Sentry: "Hey Kevin." He said and looked at Twilight. "Your name was Twilight right?"

Twilight Sparkle: "Yeah it is."

Flash Sentry: "So I heard your running for Princess of the Fall Formal against Sunset Shimmer? I'm impressed your actually going through with it. I thought she would've made you drop out by now." He commented.

Kevin: "Sunset Shimmer and her lackeys were trying to record Twilight with their phones, hoping to find some dirt or anything embarrassing to use against her but we stopped them."

Flash Sentry: "Nice, I didn't think anyone would catch on to Sunset Shimmer so easily."

Kevin: "Meh, it's not the first time I've dealt with a bully who was jealous of you tried embarrass you or find anything he could to blackmail you but when he couldn't, he tried to beat you up but when he couldn't, he tried to beat you up but you defend yourself and the bully was expelled because he was harassing the female students and heating up other students.

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