Chapter 53: Demon and Monster quest part 3

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Najenda was in the desert which it has trees from the rainforest and a road was in the desert and she's riding the black motorcycle.

Najenda: "Huh I never knew the desert had trees from the rainforest and a road as well." She said then she stop her bike then suddenly someone shoot a gun and the bullet was going to aim her but Najenda dodge the bullet and her arm transform into a grappling hook and it rap around the person's stomach then she grab the rope from the grappling hook and pull the person  towards her and delivers an uppercut and the person fell to the ground then Najenda's grappling hook transform back into her cyborg arm. "Man this big boy can pack a punch." She said then the person got back to it's feet and grab the gun but it wasn't a person it was a monster and it's gun that has combine with a bow.

" She said then the person got back to it's feet and grab the gun but it wasn't a person it was a monster and it's gun that has combine with a bow

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Then he jump to the top of the tree and opens fire and Najenda went to a big rock and took cover.

Najenda: "Man this guy play guns huh. Looks like I need to summon my own gun." She said then she summon her own gun from her watch and the gun was combine with a assault rifle and a revolver.

" She said then she summon her own gun from her watch and the gun was combine with a assault rifle and a revolver

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Najenda: "This will do it."

Play Song - Combat Ready - Extreme Music

Najenda opens fire her gun then the monster jump to a another tree as Najenda keep shooting with her gun then the monster whistle and a monster appeared on the road it was black and it has a alien head, tail and body.

Najenda opens fire her gun then the monster jump to a another tree as Najenda keep shooting with her gun then the monster whistle and a monster appeared on the road it was black and it has a alien head, tail and body

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