Chapter 60: Demon, Moth, Hellhound and Owl demons: Enter Devin

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It was a dark and nightly night as we saw the city are busy as people are hushal and bushal about but now it's quiet only noise kept people up as one homeless man was drunk as he waddle indrunk it way as he hiccup while vomit near by trash.

Homeless: "Piece of crap, why do I have been 'hic' kick out the...b-b-bar?"

In rage he punch the wall as blood drop down as he didn't feel it and walk away to unknown to him, a dark mist was floating around until it spot the blood and absorbed it and then it take shape and form while seeing shadow on the wall. The figure shows a evil fang smile show. The homeless guy was mutter and swearing his head off when he heard a sound from behind as he turn to see no one. He continue on as he heard another one, this time he turn fast and break his drinking bottle and use it as a weapon.

Homeless: "Come on out you freak I have a weapon and I'm not afraid to use it."

Silence as he muttered say stupid people as turn to continue only he spot a person in front of him just feet away. The homeless man chuckle before speaking to it.

Homeless man: "Oh it's you, are you giving me some change or what?"

Not responding.


The figure walk towards the homeless man as he sigh.

Homeless man: "I'm not sure what your playing at bub but you AGH!"

The homeless man been choke as the figure got out a sword as the poor man as in fear.


On the wall shows a shadow figure of two as the poor man been killed by the person as the lifeless body when limb as the figure drop now the dead corps was on the ground as the figure heard a clap.

???: "My, my such power you have there."

The person turn to see a woman in a cloak as she smile.

Daisy Charming: "My name is Daisy Charming, do you have a name?"

???: "I don't but all I know I'm out of the boy's body."

Daisy Charming: "I see. Well, your name will be Devin for now on."

Devin smile of his new name.

Devin: "I like it. (Looking at the man) I do like killing people and drinking their blood."

Daisy Charming: "Good, we have beautiful romance. (Kissing Devin)."

Their evil romance was stop by the couple walking towards them as they rush in other ally way as the scream hear in the night.

(Kevin's house)

At Kevin's home, he was resting after the book fair event. The group ask him why he ask one of the German grim brother Wilhelm to stab him as he told them he have though about to try it out his ripper mode and it works to kill Wilhelm, Dallta and Jacob. Raven and the robels girls stay at Kevin's home for time off since the school close for repair on the field that have crater even when the people ask the two sisters told them...

Celestia/Luna: Exbaerit go wrong."

Now the school was close, the students (especially Rainbow Dash), have free time off but only they need to do their homework before going back to school. Kevin have his time with his brothers, his siblings and his lovers. He have check on them from time to time as they have grow much. Raven on other hand seem change on her. Her new power seems have change her size. Since then, like he promise, he help Bair her sleeping problem by building a thumb tack device to shield her hand and test on needle and it work for her she was happy that Kevin's idea work. Kevin help Blondie to make news of her own, while he and the others fighting the demons and monsters when they appear as they got in the books. Speaking of books, Kevin's book and the storybook of Legend somehow fused to new one as now Kevin is holder of the new book as he look in and see all have change that now have informed about the kids, their parents and the history about the past. Maddie told Kevin she make friends of the narrator and they have daughter name Brooke pake who she have power to break the fourth wall which of course Kevin know about Maddie's power of Hatter powers.

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