Chapter 40: More Girlfriends, New Brothers and New People

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I was walking through CHS before classes begin on my own as girlfriends went off to do their own things.

Kevin: 'What to do before classes begin?' I thought before someone grabbed me and dragged me into an classroom. "Huh? Who in the-" I said and looked to see that it was Trixie who grabbed me. "Trixie?! Why did you grab me like that?" I asked her.

Trixie Lulamoon: "There's something I want to tell you." She said nervously with an slight blush.

Kevin: 'Why is it that she speaks first person when it's just me and her? Unless...' I thought before having an moment of realization. 'Oh! I get it now.' I thought before smiling. "I get it Trixie, you have feelings for me don't you?" I asked her and her blushes darkens as she nods her head.

Trixie Lulamoon: "Yes Kevin...I have fallen in love with you for awhile. My feelings for you grew when you defended me when I was throwing an magic show and those bullies were heckling me." She explained.

Kevin: 'Oh yeah, I remember that.' I thought and remembered that day.

Something ago, Trixie was performing an magic show at the park and the show was going well until an couple of jerks started to heckle and mock her by calling her a pathetic wannabe loser that will never be great as her dad along with other insults. Trixie was about to cry until I appeared on the scene and defended her by saying she is already a talented magician and that she will never be in her dad's shadow while I fought against the bullies when they tried to beat me up and I summon two clones of myself the first clone punch one of the bullies nuts the second one delivered the one thousand years of death in the second bullies butt and I did a fireflash kick in the third bullies chin which he lose a tooth and they run anyway crying home to their mommies.

Trixie Lulamoon: "Kevin, do you remember that one big date you had with the Rainboom Fury and met me at the magic and joke store I worked in?"

Kevin: "Yeah I remember."

Trixie Lulamoon: "Well when the girls talked to me, they said they were okay with you getting more girlfriends as long as they had honest feelings for you and after thinking about it for awhile, I decided to finally tell you how I feel...Kevin...I love you." She confessed.

Kevin: "Trixie...thank you for telling me how you felt about me and it was brave of you to confess these feelings to me. I know you feel insecure about yourself and feel like your in dad's shadow so you brag a lot which makes everyone think you're big egotist but I see a young woman who wants to prove herself and doesn't want to feel alone. If you really want to be one of my girlfriends then I'm okay with it because I like you." I said with an smile.

Then all of the a sudden, Trixie pressed her lips to mine into a kiss which surprised me until I kissed Trixie back. Me and Trixie kissed for a few seconds before stopping and Trixie pulls back with an blush and an smile on her face.

Trixie Lulamoon: "That was great!" She said happily.

Kevin: "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

Trixie Lulamoon: "So you're really okay with me being one of your girlfriends?" She asked with hope in her voice.

Kevin: "Of course I am. I know the other girls won't mind you joining." I said and Trixie hugs me.

Trixie Lulamoon: "Thanks Kevin!" She said happily before letting go of me. "There's something else you should know Kevin."

Kevin: "What is it?"

Trixie Lulamoon: "There's alot of girls in CHS that have feelings for you and they plan on confessing their feelings for you." She tells me which surprised me a little. "So what are you going to do about them?"

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