Chapter 38: A date with Sci-Twi and Midnight

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It's been an few days since the Friendship Games and a few things happened.

First up, Cinch resigned as principal of Crystal Prep and she stay in prison forever with cameras in her cell that she won't escape and as for who Crystal Prep's new principal is Cadence was chosen and promoted from to principal.

Second, Crystal Prep changed back into it's old self, an school where everyone gets along and is friendly with each other like CHS which made my dad rather happy to know about this.

Third, I trained along the students of CHS to do the Gekirinken and they mastered it and they earn me a another nickname they called me Kevin Lee which is combined with  my name and Bruce Lee's and also I give a hat and shark necklace to Daydream which she kiss me on the cheek for giving her gift and Luke's kids, their friends and the Eeveelution become friends with alot of students in CHS and Jet Black and Luxray became friends with Vinyl Scratch and the three of them became the best Dj's in Canterlot High.

Fourth, Twilight and Spike went back to Equestria after the trip to Wudang Mountains after they come back to Canterlot  she explained to me and my girlfriends. Apparently she had to save Equestria from an unicorn named Starlight Glimmer who went back into Equestria's past to prevent the Equestria version of Rainbow Dash from performing a Sonic Rainboom which would help her and the Mane 6 get their Cutie Marks and become friends in the future and become the bearer to the Elements of Harmony as payback when the Mane 6 stopped Starlight's plan of making all ponies be equals by getting rid of their Cutie Marks and replace them with Equal Marks but Starlight did it because her only childhood friend got his Cutie Mark for being talented in magic and left to Canterlot to study magic which made Starlight felt abandoned and blamed Cutie Marks as a result. When Starlight learned that if that the Mane 6 don't gain their Cutie Marks thanks to the Sonic Rainboom and become the bearers to the Elements of Harmony in the future as a result, Equestria would be doomed so she allowed the Sonic Rainboom to happen, become Twilight's student and study both magic and friendship.

Fifth, I helped Sci-Twi, Midnight and the Shadowbolt girls get used to being at Canterlot High and they got along with a few people and my girlfriends.

Sci-Twi and Midnight became great friends with their Equestrian counterpart and the Shimmers as Sunset learned more about Equestria from them and she became friends with Espeon and Umbreon for love of science.

Lemon Zest got along with Pinkie Pie as they both like to make desserts with Lemon Zest's  favorite dessert being lemon tarts and she also got along with Sonata Dusk, Shinx, Emolga, Pachirisu, Skitty Sylveon and Eevee for their love of music and dancing.

Indigo Zap became good friends with Rainbow Dash as the two of them would compete in friendly competitions and she also got along with Aria Blaze as they are both tough girls and she also got along with Pyroar, Garchomp, Xander Steel, Zeraora, Charizard and Ruby Breaker they play with their guitars and they all get along just fine.

Sugarcoat was able to get along with Applejack and Leafeon because they were three honest girls with Sugarcoat being a little more blunt and she also got along with Adagio Dazzle and Flareon for both being a little smart and straightforward.

Sunny Flare, Rarity, Glaceon, Vaporeon, Tsareena, Milotic and Lopunny got along as they all shared a love for fashion while Sour Sweet surprisingly got along with Fluttershy, Eevee and Sylveon as Sour Sweet has a soft spot for animals.

I was really happy that my girlfriends were getting along with Sci-Twi and the Shadowbolt girls after everything that happened at the Friendship Games.

Things have been going alright lately with me and my Harem but little did I know that my harem was going to expand...

It's another Friday and school is over, my girlfriends along with Sci-Twi and Midnight are at Sweet Shoppe and Midnight was wearing her new clothes.

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