Chapter 48: Let the Magic Times Begin at Camp Everfree

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Everyone is getting settled into Camp Everfree as Rarity, Applejack, Cleo, Lagoona, Sunny Flare and Sugarcoat are walking around.

Rarity: "I'm all for learning safety rules but I do hope I can get started on my designs for the camp fashion show sooner rather than later."

Cleo de Nile: "Oh m ra I still can't believe you talked Gloriosa into having a fashion show which is pretty impressive if you ask me."

Sunny Flare: "Me too dearie."

Applejack: "We're in the middle of the woods for cryin' out loud! We're supposed to be roughin' it, not havin' an fashion show." She pointed out.

Lagoona Blue: "She's right mate."

Sugarcoat: "True but I wouldn't mind a fashion show in the middle of the woods. It could be interesting."

Rarity: "It's clear from Gloriosa's own wardrobe that she appreciates a well put together look. Even if we are in the middle of the woods."

Applejack: "Fair enough. Just as long as you don't put me in one of your fancy outfits." She said and walks a little as Rarity crosses her arms and smirks. "...You're gonna aren't ya?" She asked Rarity.

Rarity: "No. Yes!" She chuckled. Don't worry darling. It will absolutely speak to your personal sense of style." She said as she and the others walk pass Sunset's and Sci-Twi tent.

Inside Sunset's and Sci-Twi's tent, Sunset grabs a flashlight out of her bag and turns it on and she makes a spooky face and spooky noise which made Twilight, Shunshine, Daydream, Midnight, Spike and Dog-Spike chuckle before stopping and turned the flashlight off.

Sunset Shimmer: "That was weird back there right? With that guy Filthy Rich?" She asked Sci-Twi who is sitting on her bed.

Sci-Twi: "Huh? Oh I guess so."

Sunset Shimmer: "I just have this feeling that Gloriosa's hiding something."

Spike: "No kidding."

Midnight: "She did seem a little bit secretive.  What do you think Sci-Twi?" She asked her counterpart who said nothing and is in deep thought.

Sunset Shimmer: "Are you okay Sci-Twi? You seemed a little freaked out on the bus earlier."

Dog-Spike: "Probably had another one of her nightmares." He said and Sci-Twi threw a pair of socks on him.

Sci-Twi: "I'm fine."

Twilight Sparkle: "Are you sure?"

Sci-Twi: "Sure I'm sure. I mean, what do I have to complain about? Ever since I transferred here, everyone from CHS has been really nice and accepting, especially considering what happened at the Friendship Games."

Daydream: "That wasn't your fault.  Principal Cinch is the one who forced you to try and use all that all magic to win the Friendship Games for Crystal Prep. You weren't ready to have that kind of power but it's over now and if there's any group that's going to forgive you for something that happened in the past, trust me, it's this one. Especially Kevin, he'd forgive you in a heartbeat no matter how bad it was."

Twilight Sparkle: "And that's the one of the many things we love about Kevin." She said and she along the others girls and Spike sighed then Rainbow Dash appeared outside of the tent.

Rainbow Dash: "You guys comin' or what?" She asked.

Sunset Shimmer: "Be right there!" She answered which Rainbow Dash nodded to and left. "I just wanna put on some sunscreen." She said and looked through her bag. "Huh. I could have sworn I packed it."

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