Chapter 81: The Forgotten Friendship part 2

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(Opening 2)

After seeing their friends/lover memory was erase from the human 6 for no reaction but as for Sunset well...

Sunset Shimmer: "This has to be a bad dream. Wake up, Sunset Wake up!"


Sunset Shimmer: "OW WHAT WAS THAT?!"

April: "YOUR AT THE REACHING POINT GIRL! Also, I ask Mayhem to snap you out."

She point to Mayhem who had a worry look as Sunset smile.

Sunset Shimmer: "Thanks Mayhem. I just freak out like I'm dreaming."

Wendy: "Your nor dreaming and we heard what they said."

Pinkie Pie: "She's right you are awake. Ow! (Giggle) Me too!"

Shantae: "I think this something about remind me my adventures."

Kevin: (Look at Rainbow) What about you."

He look in her mind and see Sunset and she was not there to save her.

Kevin: "Not! Not you too. Please you remember that you save Sunset from the race."

Rainbow Dash: "What are you talking about?"

Kevin: "Me and Sunser can see your memories, and She's not in them!"

Sunset Shimmer: "He's right."

Applejack: "And exactly hiw is it you can see our memories, if you don't mind me askin'?

Kevin: "With this."

He and sunset show the gefeo but the main 6 girls not have it.

Rarity: "Oh, pfft! It's obviously a cheap knockoff of ours."

Sunset Shimmer: "We got them together. You were there, remember?"

Fluttershy: "Why is she talking to us?"

Kevin: "She talk about how we got in camp. Also, Flutters why you are you not in your room? You move to my place."

Fluttershy: "I don't remember move at your place I want to but she live at your house."


Sunset Shimmer: "Pinkie Pie, what about when I came to your sleepover before the Battle of the Bands?"

Pinkie Pie: "Ha! The closet you've ever come to a party of mine is freshman year, when you pretended to be Applejack and texted me, "Your partt is lamer than a hungry duck in snow boots."


Applejack: "Like I'd ever say that."

Pinkie Pie: "It really hurt my feelings."

Kevin: "Are you girls listening to me? Or are you ingroe me?"

Fluttershy: "And it wasn't very nice to the ducks, either."

Sunset Shimmer: "That was a long time ago. Sci-Twi, you remember me right? We've been through so much together. Please..."

Sci-Twi: "I only met you once, when you yelled at me at the Friendship Games."

Kevin: "Okay, am I visible or something?"

Sunset Shimmer: "Maybe not anyone. I'll be back!"

Rarity: "Don't hurry back, Darling!"

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