Chapter 71: Enter the Halloween King part 1

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It's been a while since Kevin and Slasher make peace each other and became friends. Not just that, the group and new ones have watch and listen the whole time (If Kevin ask why they are crying). But there a lot changing, Fleur have woke up and ask what happen as Kevin explain after she pass out. She also learn Slasher's past and felt sorry for him. She also told she be moving to Kevin place to stay since thing are starting to change as the girls fighting have change too since the whole magic and energy pouring out the other world and mix into new one, Honoka and the girls have gain new figure (which you know it's their chest they grow too). They also have gain news skill and power as Kevin along with the three guys are now his brothers, trains hatd and learn each other as they teach Kevin their moved and skills where they from as Kevin hard at training.

But he also learn from Slasher who also train Kevin and learn of how Slasher's skills and moved work and how to use it. Life was good until Kevin got a visit from then none other then Blueberry Cake. Now Kevin study her skin are cover in blue and her chest are swelling up like balloon. She explain when she eat a blueberry pie which her family buy it from the store, she started gurgle noise and later her parents point out her skin turn into blue and she swell up like blueberry and she's in a panic so she rush to Kevin for help. Kevin agree and told if she eat more then one slit while she told him five pit and quickly Kevin build a machine base on the movie he and the others watch. While working, Blueberry was swelling bigger and bigger and bigger which luckily his can expansion room in case not fill the room up. Once Kevin was done, Blueberry have become gigantic massive blueberry form (which luckily her clothes didn't destroy) but she flet presser build up and fear she may be pop so quickly, Kevin using his new power stone he and Fleur found place in the chamber and close (so we don't see) the door and he start up as in other tub be fill juice until it's done. Blueberry skin was back to normal but her chest not. Instead, she's taller, her chest size giant beach ball, her rear are massive along her leg/thigh/hip was massive and worst her belly look like almost 12 month pregnant (which be glad that not really happen). Kevin though try again but she say she don't mind her new chest look as she thank Kevin before she kiss him. Later she told her parents think with things going around the change, it's best she will stay at Kevin's place if Kevin allow and he agree so she can have time with Kevin. Speak of time, time pass gone from warm green air to cold color fall. Then Kevin and the others gone to a zoo trip and have fun.

Now fall for everyone to rick leave and pile for kids have fun like Kevin's siblings jumping in the leave pile as Kevin was happy to see them first time seeing fall. But there one thing fall that not miss and that is HALLOWEEN. Halloween it the most thing missing as they take kids for trick or treat for candy as you know what it is. But they tell scary story but there one thing they love, Halloween party.

At school in October, everyone are put up a halloween decorations all over the hallway. While the student doing it, Kevin was talking the groups as the girls have idea for halloween.

Sunset Shimmer: "So what you girls dress up?"

Sci-Twi: "I'm not sure but I like to dress up Starswil the bearded."

Twilight Sparkle: "Well, it remind me our own Nightmare Night."

Rarity: "Oh yeah your version holiday Twilight but I have Idea to all of us dress up for the Halloween."

Sonata Dusk: "Are you make me a taco girl?"

Aria Blaze: "She will not gonna do it Sonata. Beside, maybe she have other idea."

Rarity: "Actually, I thinking something more special dress."

Fluttershy: "Maybe you can make something nice and less scary...if you know what I mean."

Adagio Dazzle: "I have be thinking for while if your okay what I like you make me."

Rarity: "It's fine darling. Plus, I have ueekit idea to have for us."

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