Chapter 69: The Wedding

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It was friday afternoon everyone having fun at Kevin's house since his birthday was yesterday and all the students of chs didn't go to school since it was a holiday today.

(Kevin's house)

At Kevin's house we Kevin and the group in the living room talking each other.

Starlight Glimmer: "So you had a brother and a dad Terry?"

Terry Bogard: "Yeah but, my dad was killed by a man named Geese Howard."

Robecca Steam: "That's awful luv."

Terry Bogard: "Yeah I know, if he appeared in this world I'm gonna killed him for what he did to my father."

Chestnut Magnifico: "So in your world you guys had a tournament?"

Jann Lee: "Yes we do had a tournament in our world."

Juniper Montage: "That's sounds rough."

Sonata Dusk: "Me too."

Then the home phone start ringing.

Kevin: "I got it."

Kevin talks to the phone.

Kevin: "Hello?"

Principal Cadence: "Hi Kevin, It's Principal Cadence."

Kevin: "Oh hey Cadence what's up?"

Principal Cadence: "Nothing much, I just want to tell you something."

Kevin: "What is it?"

Principal Cadence: "Me and Shining Armor are getting married on Sunday."

Kevin: "Really?"

Principal Cadence: "Uh-huh."

Kevin: "I'll tell the others about the news."

Principal Cadence: "Okay I'll you and the others at the wedding on Sunday."

Kevin: "You got it Principal Cadence, bye."

Principal Cadence: "Bye."

Kevin hang up the phone as he turn to the group.

Sunshine: "Who's at the phone?"

Kevin: "It's Principal Cadence she said that she and Shining Armor are getting married on Sunday."

Sunset Shimmer: "They are?"

Kevin: "Yeah, and she said all of you are invited to their wedding."

Momo Yaoyorozu: "That's wonderful."

Spike: "It just like back in Equestria right Twilight."

Twilight Sparkle: "Yeah after all the Changelings invaded the wedding."

Frankie Stein: "So what happened?"

Twilight, Spike and Starlight Glimmer told the others about the wedding in Equestria.

(Minutes later)

As they were finish their tale about the Equestrian wedding the group were surprise but Kevin wasn't happy about Twilight's equestrian friends including Spike that they didn't listen to her about Princess Cadence was Queen Chrysalis so he went to Spike and he delivered the chop on Spike's head which a bump appeared on his head.

Spike: "Okay, I deserved that for not listening to you Twilight."

Kevin: "If you don't listen to Twilight again I'll give you the chop again do you understand Spike."

Spike: "Y-Yes sir."

As Sunset wrote to Princess Celestia about the whole Changeling accident and she wrote about Kevin that he wasn't happy about that her friends didn't listen to her Kevin will give them the chop and it was really painful Spike already was now a victim of the chop.

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