Chapter 82: The Forgotten Friendship part 3

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(Opening 3)


While Kevin and the others are inveterate, Back at the beach, the main 6 girls (Who lost their memory) were having time as Sci-Twi was relaxing on her tower as she started sun. She knows she gets her eyes burned, until a shadow towers over her view as Pinkie Pie holds a cupcake on her hand.

Pinkie Pie: "We've been out here a while. Time to Really."

She smile then she ate her cupcake while Sci-Twi had a worry look.

Sci-Twi: "I've been thinking...Should we been worried about Sunset Shimmer and Kevin? I mean he told us he never remembered did or be told about it."

Trixie Lulamoon: "Well you should worry about her after all she treat you nicely and fun but I'm not sure why or how did you forget, but no one perfect. Beside she was not job as yearbook, so in other word (GASP) you Rarity."

Rarity: "If this is your way of asking to be made "The Greatest and Most Powerful", the answer is no. And didn't we have this conversation yesterday? I can't remember."

Applejack: "Uh..."

Fluttershy: "Hmm."

Trixie Lulamoon: "Maybe we did, Maybe we didn't. Memory is such a fickle thing. You never know when you'll forget something important. Like how Great and Powerful I am, which is why i need to be in the yearbook!"

Rarity: (GROANS) "I'll think about it."

Trxie Lulamoon: "That's all i ask, HEY!"

Trxie was drag by Cerebella while she hold Trixie's hair which it was painful.

Cerebella: "What do you think your doing?"

Trixie: "Trying to help their memory."

Then suddenly Leone hit Trixie in the head with a book that is rolled up.

Then a lump appered in her head, as she hold the lump on her head while Leone spoke

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Then a lump appered in her head, as she hold the lump on her head while Leone spoke.

Leone: "Stop beinging like an Idiot Trixie you moron."

Trixie Lulamoon: "I'm Sorry, I'm just trying to help okay."

Cerebella: "Well don't and since Spike told us what happen, we need to make sure Sunset is not a bully."

Spike indeed told the newcomers about Sunset and they felt sorry for her and how things not go well. Jinafire think the mirror has a dark side as she is not the only good but bad like Yin and Yan since it has balance the two side. Now they have to help her so she will not get upset and hurtful. Right now, they has try to help her as they decide to do something. Now while they done listen to Spike's story about Sunset's past and everyone was doing their thing. Cleo who lay her front body as her giant beachbag size chest as she not mind her size since she happy that Kevin told her that she can keep her new figure but she was sad that he was not here for suntan her body and has untie her top and lucky not her birthday top but kept from peeking it. As she tan, Frankie know this.

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