Chapter 19: the Hero gets more Heroes

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The morning sun's ray lands on my eyes, making me squint as I open them. I woke up from my slumber and I wanted to rub my eyes but I felt my hand was under some weight. I manage to open my eyes fully to see Sunset Shimmer and Sunshine sleeping in my bed, lying on top on my arms while my arms is wrapped around their waists; hugging them close to my body.

My entire face burned bright red when Sunset and Sunshine suddenly snuggled closer to me which almost made me yelp until I remember what happened yesterday. I let out a deep sigh before smiling and slowly ruffled Sunset and Sunshine's hair which made them smile in their sleep.

Kevin: 'Right, I remember now, me, Sunset and Sunshine confessed to each other. I never thought I would get such a loving and my two beautiful girlfriends.' I thought.

Then Sunset and Sunshine wakes up and opens their eyes.

Sunset & Sunshine: "Good morning Kevin." They said with a smile on their faces.

Kevin: "Morning you two." I replied back with a smile.

Me, Sunset and Sunshine's eyes look with each other before Sunset and Sunshine gives me a morning kiss on the both of my cheeks which I return.

Sunset Shimmer: "Thanks for letting us sleep in bed with you."

Kevin: "No problem, you're welcome anytime you want to and besides, it felt nice to sleep with someone close like this." I said which made them blush with a smile.

Sunset Shimmer: "I'm glad to hear it." She said and got rid of their blush. "Well let's get out of bed and have some breakfast." She said as the two of them got out of bed.

Kevin: "Okay." I said and got of bed as well.

The three of us left my room together until...

Alex: "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Said my dad from behind us who grins. "So my son and his two girlfriends slept together in the same room?" He said with a cheeky grin which made the three of us blush.

Kevin: "DAD!"

Alex: "I'm just teasing you kiddo. You don't have to get some riled up." He chuckled. "Anyway let's get some breakfast." He said and walked pass us.

Kevin: "Let's just go." I said to Sunset and her counterpart.

Sunset & Sunshine: "Y-Yeah."

Three of us went into the kitchen to have some breakfast and after the three of us finished, my parents walked up to me.

Rose: "Kevin dear, we need you to come with us to Manehattan today."

Kevin: "Why?" I asked.

Alex: "We got a call from your grandparents needing some help with their home."

Kevin: "Oh..." I said before looking at Sunset and Sunshine. "Sunset, Sunshine, I know which just got together but my grandparents are kinda frail and they need the help they can get." I tell them.

Sunshine: "We understand, you go help your grandparents." She tells me with a smile.

Rose: "Your welcome to join us Sunset and Sunshine."

Sunset Shimmer: "Sorry but I want to stay here in Canterlot."

Sunshine: "Yeah we love it here in Canterlot."

Alex: "Then you two can look after the house while we're gone."

Sunset Shimmer: "We can do that."

Alex: "Well alright then. Kevin, go get ready."

Kevin: "Alright dad."

I got dressed into my causal clothes, got my phone, hat and wallet before joining my parents who were ready and waiting outside.

The Hero Of CHS: Multiverse Adventures Season 1Where stories live. Discover now