Chapter 83: The Forgotton Friendship part 4

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(Opening 3)

(Lunch, Canterlot High School)

It was lunch time as all the student were chatting, while the main 6 girls were leaching and chatting but only one is not happy as Sunset was upset and try to think who did it for stealing the girls memories which it lead to someone has against a trust on her and every students are suspects and she has no idea who. She was really upset as she push her food away as she can't force.

???: "Hey Sunset."

She look to see the others walk in. Asta has food that he never try before where he is from. Plus Ogun was had a smile on his face as he like the new food in this world. As the group sat, as D'va spoke.

D'va: "So I guess you can force it when you're not hungry, right?"

Sunset Shimmer: "I'm sorry you guys, with so many things happen I'm not sure how but I never did to the others."

Filia: "I'm sure we will find the thief."

Carol: "I agree with her, but how we do this?"

Trixie Lulamoon: "I think we started off like a cafeteria full of suspects, two detectives, and only one Memory Stone. Seems impossible, but so does pulling a rabbit out of a hat, and I do that all the time. Let's talk motive. Who's here hates you enough to erase everyone's good memories of you?"

Apple White: "From what we learn in Kevin old home that Memory Stone can only erase someone you love and care and from what we know it's only work on Eqestrian magic. Which were not effect of it."

Robecca Steam: "She's right Luv, but there is a problem as who has the stone they found?"

Sunset Shimmer: "I think if you go back far enough... Everyone. (Sighs)."

Trixie Lulamoon: [writing] "Known enemies: all." (She stop and look at the others with a "Really?" Look) What? You never know when someone betrays you before it's too late.."

Weiss Schnee: "Don't listen to her Sunset, we can help you for finding the person who did this."

Then Flash came with Sandalwood and Microchip.

Flash Sentry: "Hey you guys. You okay Sunset?"

Sunset Shimmer: "No, I just a little bit upset how friends lost there memories."

Flash Sentry: "I see."

Sandalwood: "Hey you know where Kevin is?"

Loona: "He's not here? Crap this is bad."

Microchip: "So is he missing?"

Octavia Melody: "Try gone somewhere. He didn't return back to the house when we got back from the beach."

Sandalwood: "I heared from Flash so it's true."

Lyra Heartstrings: "I know, it's sad that he's not here. All the girls are talking about him and worried about him."

Bon Bon: "I agree and Derpy was upset when she is not making any muffin since Kevin have give her many recipe that she try to use but now....."

Flash Sentry: "I see how Derpy is."

Jane: "Jane, hate friends upset."

Jinafire: "I agree with you Jane, I hate to see everyone up after what happen."

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