Chapter 73: Enter the Halloween King part 3

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Mercy: "Kevin? What is this alien and why it look like this?"

Kevin as Kruger: "This fella is from the movie nightmare on elm street. He's name is Freddy Krueger but I call this alien, Krueger as it's a perfect name for him. Short story, he was a nice gardener until he did something bad to the kids and he been hunt down by the parents as they trap him in the building so they can burn him alive but he somehow become an evil version of the boogeyman as he go after the kids who snit at him and I felt bad for him."

Twyla hear this as she have felt her favorite kind as she teleport through he's shadow and hug Kevin's alien form before spoke.

Twyla: "I don't care what you told back story on him but he's my favorite."

Kevin as Kruger: "I think you finally have someone your favorite."

She smile only instructed by the pumpkin creature as Kruger place Twyla in a save place.

Kevin as Kruger: "Okay, time to shred this freak."

Play Song: Bombshell - Powerman 5000

Kevin as Kruger charge at the thing as the pumpkin try to kill him but he disappeared and reappear on top and started stabbing and slash the chunk out as it screaming in pain while Kevin make his hand change into a hedge trimmer and cut the vine as more grow out as Kevin dig in before turn into a chainsaw and slash it in half but it force back as Kevin then use his power to go in the pumpkin dream as he control it. Everyone wait and as the thing slash and basher around before it slash itself as Kevin appear out of nowhere.

Kevin: "Well this guy is great to use and can control dreams."

Twyla: "I know, I like this guy."

Suddenly, the giant pumpkin recover as it roar in fury at the group. Kevin was ready.

Kevin as Kruger: "Alright big guy BRING IT ON!"


The vine press the hourglass symbol on Kevin's arm and turn back into a human.

End Song.

Kevin: "Um, can we rethink about it?"


Group: "KEVIN!"

The giant Monster Pumpkin wrap Kevin and was going to eat him but then a door that block from the vine burst open as the door frame was send across as it bend like hell. In doorway was an angry looking Lucifer as she spot Kevin was about to get eaten by the giant pumpkin monster.

Lucifer: "LET. GO. OF. HIM!"

Then she run to the pumpkin and what happen was shock the world. Her body was cover in fire and she revealed a giant she-demon as she tackle it as it let go of Kevin as Cleo use her bandana and caught him and lay him on the ground while she place his head on her massive chest as the others look all over him.

Frankie Stein: "Kevin? Are you okay?"

Kevin: "I'm fine. Thanks Cleo."

Cleo de Nile: "It's nothing, plus my chest is good for a pillow."

Kevin smile before looking at Lucifer fighting the giant pumpkin as it spit seeds as it pop into a pumpkin as it crawl across the floor through group as they have weapon to blast in pieces or small pumpkin to be squish. Soon many students are fighting back and doing their best for them to protect themselves. Lucifer was still in demon form grab it's head and bash her knee repairing as it using vine to stop her from beating it as it grab her and throw across the gym as she sliding while crash the food, game and the other thing that in her path. The pumpkin monster snake it way to Lucifer as it wrap her up and squeeze her to death as she try to break free but it was useless for trying to struggle out of it's grip. The group meanwhile was doing they can to fight many pumpkin monsters what they can but it was no use as they were corner while Kevin still recovered was try anything to save everyone what he can but he couldn't do it as he's now worry of how this is the end of him and the others.

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