Chapter 61: Dance Magic

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It was a bright and sunny day at CHS after the battle with Daisy Charming and Devin, Sunset and the others were busy washing cars.

Sunset and Applejack put some sponges inside the bucket of soapy water and run to go wash the next car as Pinkie Pie was rhyming.

Pinkie Pie: "*Rhythming* To the right! To the right! To the left! To the left! Now up! Now up! Bring it down! Spit around! Was that car like you mean it! Come on!"

The Shimmers, Applejack and Aria scrub the red truck with soapy sponges. Then Fluttershy use the hose to soak down the truck until the soap is all gone. Rarity, Lizzie Hearts and Momo Yaoyorozu use hair dryers to dry up the truck. And for the finishing touch, Pinkie use hand scrubbers to put the shine on the red truck.

Inside the truck was Big Mac, and he hands out some money to Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash: "Hah! Thanks, Big Mac."

Big Mac: "Eeyup."

Then Big Mac drives away.

Rainbow Dash: "Sweet! More cash to add to the stash!"

Pinkie Pie: "Booyakasha!"

Rarity sighs in exhaustion.

Rarity: "How about a little break? All of this sunshine and suds are doing a number on my hair."

Everyone nods and they get a drink of apple juice and water from the ice cooler. They have been working hard, and think it will be a good idea for a break as the Sparkles went to the others.

Sci-Twi: "Hey guys."

Sunshine: "Hey Sci-Twi have you check the money?"

She open the box to take a look at the money.

Sci-Twi: "I was just going over the numbers again."

Sunset Shimmer: "Have we raised enough to make all the repairs to Camp Everfree?"

Twilight Sparkle: "We've only raised half. We counted the money four times just to be sure."

Everyone sigh in disappointment.

Loona: "Ah nuts!"

Akame: "You got that right Loona."

Draculaura: "By the way where's Kevin and the others?"

Raven Queen: "I'm not sure but why is Kevin ask Poppy with them?"

Holly O'hair: "Maybe she needs some help or something?"

Kevin: "Hey guys."

They turn to the direction and saw Kevin and others and they saw something new, Izuku, Todoroki, Kirishma and Tetsutetsu got themselves a haircut.

They turn to the direction and saw Kevin and others and they saw something new, Izuku, Todoroki, Kirishma and Tetsutetsu got themselves a haircut

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