Chapter 87: The Curse of Captain Ghoulbeard part 2

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We see the bus pull up as the group walks out. Since they didn't get much after what happen, now they will having time to relax without ruin it. As Kevin and the others got out of the bus, he sigh as Wallflower was blushing as she was wearing a bathing suit with the help of the girls as she love her new swimsuit.

Wallflower: "Thank you for buying me this new swimsuit."

Kevin: "Well I wasn't buying that you should thank Rarity and Clawdeen there the ones who help."

Clawdeen: "It's okay you look great."

Wallflower: "Thanks."

Holly walk out as she hold pet Wilbur as he wrap body so he will not fall or wonder off.

Holly: "I thank you for give me a second changes Kevin and Wilbur is happy."

Wilbur has a smile look as he loved his new form that Kevin gave him as he build a device to use his mind.

Kevin: "It's no trouble."

The Splatoon squad was step out in their new swimsuits as the Inkling and Octoling girls were study the beach as Mellta was in awe struck while Zailla's eyes wide of the place. Marie and Callie giggle while Deirra rub her arm. Leinna was never seen the real sun since she remember how things was work from underground.

Leinna: (Whisper) "It's beautiful."

???: "It is."

Leinna scream in terror as someone was behind her it was Gloriosa has a blush on her face.

Gloriosa Daisy: "Sorry to scare you."

Leinna: I-I-I-It's fine, I never seen the real sun before."

Ever since she and the others introduce to the others, they got along as they learn that this world and their world are different after they told about the great flood and history. The others was shock of the horror event as they knew it it happen to their world, then maybe happen their.

Now they are promise to help their world and maybe find peoples that may save themselves in their world.

Ice Queen: "So what you do when Kevin save your kind?"

Leinna: "I'm not sure maybe started a new life and maybe get a new home and maybe some like turf war to earn money and well other things."

Fionna: "Well, maybe you should try something beside jobs, I have gone though that crap."

Leinna: "I see."

Kevin was place the stuff as Vortex walk next to him as he spoke.

Vortex: "Hey Kevin, can I ask you something?"

Kevin: "Sure."

Vortex: "I'm worried about my girlfriend since she is worried about me."

Kevin: "Tex, I did promise to help you and the others to find away back I promise you see your girlfriend again."

Vortex: "Thanks Kev."

Kevin nod as Vortex walked to his place as he sat down until Callie stood next to him.

Callie: "Hey Kevin?"

Kevin: "Yes?"

Callie: "Are you worried about the sun it might hurt you?"

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