Chapter 36: Learn to walk on water

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Everyone was in the soccer field and the Principal and Vice Principal luna were sitting in the benches along with Luke's kids, their friends, the Eeveelution and Skitty they wanted to watch us.

Rainbow Dash: "So how did you learn to walk on water?"

Kevin: "Well I use the swimming pool so Fang Lao was able to teach me to walk on water."

Fang Lao: "That's right I teach him that ability."

Twilight Sparkle: "I see so what are we gonna do there's no swimming pool here in the soccer field."

Kevin: "I'll summon a swimming pool for us to train with."

As I put my hand on the ground then a smoke appeared as it disappeared they saw a swimming pool.

As I put my hand on the ground then a smoke appeared as it disappeared they saw a swimming pool

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Pinkie Pie: "Wow you summon a swimming pool!"

Kevin: "Yes and this swimming pool allow us to help you guys to learn to walk on water."

Everyone (expects the Animal Squad): "Oh."

Kevin: "Who's gonna go first."

Velvet Sky: "Me!"

Kevin: "Okay Velvet Sky you ready for your training."

Velvet Sky: "Yes I am."

Kevin: "Alright let's go."

As we walk to the pool and I climb to the ladder of the pool and one of my foot touch the water and Velvet Sky was a little bit nervous.

Velvet Sky: "Um Kevin I'm kind a bit nervous what if I fall in the water."

Kevin: "Don't worry jump into my arms all right."

Velvet Sky: "Okay."

As she climb the ladder and she jump into my arms and catch her.

Kevin: "I got you."

Then I walk into the middle of the pool as I turn to Velvet Sky.

Kevin: "Okay Velvet Sky put your legs in the pool."

Velvet Sky: "Alright Kevin."

Then she put her legs in the pool and she hold tight into me with her eyes close.

Kevin: "It's okay I got you Velvet."

Velvet Sky: "Can I open my eyes now."

Kevin: "Sure."

Velvet Sky begin opening her eyes and she looks down that her legs was touching the water and she didn't fell.

Velvet Sky: "Hey I did it!"

Kevin: "Nice work Velvet Sky now try let go of me and walk around the pool."

Velvet Sky: "Alright."

She let go of me and she's surprised then she walking around the pool and she walk back to me and she hug me.

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