Chapter 58: Ever after High: Enter the new world

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After the Camp magic event, the group and the students are back in their home. I show the new members around the place. I help Rarity to make new dress for K/DA and the overwatch girls including Nejire and the demons and angel girls to fit in and I show them the school their are be work there and help the students in need to and then Ahri told me that she and the others wants to a part of the harem and I said yes and now
K/DA is now part of my harem. Then I did Pandemonoca's problem to her coffee and I find out when she drink it, she turn to someone else who she call her sadist side as I did my best to not question it. Lucifer did what she want a pancake with different flavor to mix with. Next I show Malina the games that I have and I have a plan to get an Nintendo switch when I have a chance. The two of us play and in the end I beat her which she was upset but I teach her the tip and skill until she have beat people from the online game. Modeus read on love books, Zdrada like her new smoke but she still being well I know, Justice told me to help her eyes that I said to her, then her eyes are healed and she was happy that she can see again, Cerberus on the other hand ask me to have puppies which I told them no like a million times but they didn't listen as I have to make sure to teach them but in the end, fail. Judgement did a good job to help around but she sometime over protect one time when a thief and his gang have broke in and about to steal, if she was wake and see them, she have not stop them which she did but got over bit okay over much as the thieves they were hurt so much that I woke up from the scream and saw what Judgement doing as I try to stop her while Sunset called 911. So in the end the thieves went to the hospital and later headed to prison. Azazel whoever have learn human and other thing she like to learn and write stuff and sometime end up something she not support to write. Lastly, Beelzebub well nothing normal of her she get bored and she use her power to cause chaos if wasn't I told her no she make sad excuse for way to not be in trouble. Even so Pinkie Pie have told her to do pinkie promise which if she break the promise she's gonna get it and then I give some rings to Izuku, Todoroki, Tanjiro, Kirishma, Tetsutetsu and Rin as the six boys press their rings and they turn into 17 or 18 years old boys which they like it.

Now live gone back it was but little they know their adventures about to begin as they said when I turn the page, the new members had started it. In school, all the students had a good time their at school as they got new helpers since I give the overwatch girls to teach things, even K/DA since they have to make sure things go well. Beelzebub use her powers to expanded the school for new member of school like she did to expanded their home they are happy to see. But not happy when Twilight told everyone her news, they are glad that she is staying here as Flash hang out with her as I told that it was okay as they were happy like brother and sister. She even let be in their so they need the singer until they need their own. Alot happening around that can come around be that soon change. In the cafeteria, all the students are talking and telling and playing and joke around in one table was the group as they talk about their new powers they have.

Rainbow Dash: "I can't believe it's been weeks when were at the camp."

Applejack: "I think it's been 1 week?"

Sci-Twi: "Well actually it's more then that."

Applejack/Rainbow Dash: "Oh."

Lagoona Blue: "So I hope there something good going on while we are back mate."

Cleo de Nile: "I agree though I don't know if we have more people to appear."

Cleo was right since portal appear and well thing go from every go south. But now thing be more crazy.

Akame: "So, I'm happy we learn Kevin have his real parents."

Pinkie Pie: "I know right?"

Since then, I told them about that I met my real parents and my adopted brothers and sisters like to meet them in their dreams but they also know about that met the nine tail Manticore Slasher since that's his name was and I was afraid that Slasher will control me again but the group will help though out the live along with the others as they will help them.

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