Chapter 43: A visit to Crystal Prep Academy

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It been an amazing day since the new girls from different worlds has joined my harem and my other girlfriends were teaching my new girlfriends to be a high school student since team RWBY knows about high school and they made alot of friends also Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna were surprise that Esdeath and Najenda became teenagers and I tell them that I made a ring that allows Esdeath and Najenda turn into teenagers and I ask them that I trained my new girlfriends to fight with their hands and feet and they say yes so we all went to the field and my new girlfriends starts their training. Akame, Ruby, Blake, Kurome and Sheele were doing Taijutsu, karate, jujutsu, wrestling, jeet kune do and cqc.

In the other side of field Yang, Leone, Najenda and Seryu were doing boxing, kick boxing, muay tai and taekwondo.

In the third side of the field Esdeath, Weiss, Mine and Chelsea were doing mixed martial arts, tantojutsu, kung-fu, ninjutsu and shotokan karate then my girlfriends, Spike, Tanjiro and Nezuko ask me to join them and I said yes so they joined in with my new girlfriends while me and Dog-Spike were watching and I had a smile on my face then me, my girlfriends and Spike were teaching team Night raid, team Jaeger, the ghouls, Tanjiro and Nezuko how to shoot a gun then I summon nerf guns so they learn to shot a gun and they complete their training and then I buy them cellphones for my new girlfriends but team rwby had their own phones now they call to each other and then my new girlfriends and the ghouls got their driver's license for each one of them since I won a jackpot and I got 6000 billion dollars then I spoke to Ghoulia and Seryu.

Kevin: "Ghoulia, Seryu come here for a second."

Seryu: "What is it Kevin?"

Ghoulia Yelps: *Zombie language*?"

Kevin: "I just want to talk to you two."

Seryu: "Oh so what is it?"

Kevin: "Well since your dog Koro and you Ghoulia can't understand us so I'm gonna give Koro and you Ghoulia to get a quick needle shot."

Seryu: "A needle shot!"

Ghoulia Yelps: *Zombie language*!" She hugs Seryu.

Kevin: "Hey don't be scared it's just a quick one it won't hurt."

Seryu: "Are you sure Kevin?" She asked then I nodded then I summon the box and I open and saw the needles for Koro and Ghoulia then I grab one of the needles and I went to Seryu while she holding Koro in her arms.

Kevin: "Okay Koro open one of your arm and close your eyes."

Seryu: "It's okay Koro turn and don't look at the needle."

The needle hit Koro's little arm then I put a bandage on Koro's little arm then I grab the other needle for Ghoulia and the needle point went inside at Ghoulia's arm then I put a bandage on Ghoulia's arm.

Kevin: "How are you two feel?"

Ghoulia Yelps: "I feel fine."

Koro: "Me too."

Both Ghoulia and Koro look at each other with eye widen while the ghouls and Seryu had jaw dropped.

Seryu: "Koro did you just talk!"

Koro: "Whoa I can talk!"

Ghoulia Yelps: "Me too I can talk to human language now."

Abbey Bominable: "Now we can understand your were saying Ghoulia."

Kevin: "Oh I forgot to tell you something Koro you can transform into a wolf when I give you that needle shot."

Koro: "Really? What's the secret word Kevin?"

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