Chapters 2: New friends and Enemy

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Kevin: okay so I have English first but I think since I'm new here. But I think gonna self-tour myself around the school before head to class." He say looking up from he's schedule.

He then see a fluffy white bunny looking at then he talks the bunny.

Kevin: "Hello there little guy what are you doing here in the school.

He picked up the bunny then rubbed his head with my hand then he heard another female voice.

???: "Angel? Angel? Where are you?"

He then see a girl with custard yellow sling and light pink hair with a white tank top facing him as her face flushed.

He then see a girl with custard yellow sling and light pink hair with a white tank top facing him as her face flushed

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???: "" she whispered.

She looks at him talking to her bunny
she surprise that she first time a new student talking to animals

???: "H-He can talk to animals" she whispered.

Then he walks to her to have her bunny back

Kevin: it's this you're bunny miss

???: "Y-Yes. Thank you Um...I don't want to sound rude but...are you new here?"

Kevin: "That's not being rude miss. That's just being curious and yes, I am new here. My name is Kevin trident."

???: "That a beautiful name."

He blush while covering with his hat

Kevin: "Heh heh. Thanks. What's you name miss?"

???: "I'm...F-Fluttershy." She says shyly.

Kevin: "Nice to meet you Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: "Y-You can hear me?"

Kevin: Yes I am a good at hearing

Fluttershy: "I-I have a question Mr Kevin?"

Kevin: "What is it fluttershy

Fluttershy: "H-How can you talk to animals

Kevin: "I can translate them when they were saying.

Fluttershy: "Wow I never think about that when you talk to animals Kevin."

Kevin: "and there's one more thing I can do."

He walk to her then whisper to her ear

Kevin: " I can transform into animals

That makes fluttershy in shock

Fluttershy: "Y-You can transform into animals."

Kevin: " Yep I can transform into animals but maybe later someday."

Fluttershy: "O-Okay well I have to go to my class now it's nice knowing you Kevin

Kevin: "You too fluttershy bye now.

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