Chapter 55 Embrace the magic

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The two of us kept walking through the forest to find the demon and angel girls as the dog bark which he found the others.

Kevin: "Good boy you found them."

As we walk to the forest and found the others.

Kevin: "Hey Girls!"

Lucifer: "Kevin!"

The demon and angel girls went to me and hug me.

Kevin: "Glad you all made it."

Lucifer: "Were thought you were gone and-" she said as she look at Beelzebub with an angry face. "YOU!"

Beelzebub: "Hello Lucifer long time no see. You never change."

Lucifer: "You support to be in prison how did you escape?"

Beelzebub smile as she wrap my arm around.

Beelzebub: "Why he's the one who free me."

Lucifer look at me like I was caught from the cookie jar like a kid. She grab my hoodie and scream at me.


Kevin: "What is your problem Lucifer?"

Lucifer: "What's my Problem is she in danger Kevin."

Kevin "Why?"

Lucifer: "She kill and cause chaos all over the multi-verse even she's gone far for destroy every thing people made."

Kevin: "Is that true."

Beelzebub: "Of course. But that then this is now."

Lucifer: "Now I have to bring you back."

Kevin: "But we got out in that place and they were fall apart."

Lucifer let go as she was a puzzle.

Lucifer: "What you mean?"

Beelzebub: "When he open the portal, the void falling apart around us. We lep in and after it close, we are safe."

Lucifer quickly using her powers to see and shock we were right. It destroy for some unknown resting.

Lucifer: "This is possible. (Sigh) I hope you make sure she didn't to any trouble."

Kevin: "Hey I can make her redeem and she turn good."

Lucifer: "Fine. (Turn to Beelzebub) but if you get so close to him your so much trouble-"

Beelzebub: "Now, now Lucifer I'm no longer planning for chaos but instead have a family plan for the future."

Kevin: "Why's that?"

Beelzebub: "Well, your still young and go to school, but that's not mean we have time to know one and others as now I'm in your harem. Maybe help them to use good and maybe have fun."

Kevin: "I see, let's head to the camp." I said.

As we headed to the camp which nobody was there as I look into my watch and the time was 6:59 am as we sit on the table then the half cat and half peacock hop on the table then bird landed on my shoulder and the dog landed on the table as I patted the cat and dog's heads and the portal that I went was disappeared as Cerberus spoke.

Cerberus: "Master where is your other dog and puppies?"

Kevin: "I think there still asleep."

Justice: "So do you have any outfits for us to wear in the camp?" She asked.

Kevin: "Don't worry I got it." I snap my finger and the demon and angel girls were covered in smoke as the smokes cleared the demon and angel girls wear Camp Everfree outfits.

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