Chapter 25: Kevin Trident vs Jacob Todd part 2

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Kevin: "I told you to leave them alone and you wouldn't listen. Now you're going to pay! I said with a demonic voice as I grabbed Jacob by his right arm and threw him away from the Dazzlings.

After throwing Jacob away from the Dazzlings, Kevin crouch down and charge after him.

After throwing Jacob away from the Dazzlings, Kevin crouch down and charge after him

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While the Dazzlings got back up.

Adagio Dazzle: "Wh-What is this?" She said worried.

Sonata Dusk: "What is it Adagio?"

Adagio Dazzle: "Kevin's power, it's turned dark." She revealed which surprised the other two sirens.

Aria Blaze: "Meaning what exactly?"

Adagio Dazzle: "I don't know but it can't be good." She said worried.

Jacob gets up after being tossed away and he doesn't look happy.

Jacob Todd: "I don't know what happened to you but that won't stop me from killing you."

Kevin: "Go ahead and try, you'll just die in the end." I threatened in a completely different manner from my usual self.

Play Music: Herald of Gargos Theme - Killer Instinct OST

I rushed up to Jacob and punched him across the face with my demonic arm and he tries punch I but I dodge and kicked him away.

Jacob then fires a bunch of fire blasts at me but I swipe them away with ease and I fired my own with dark red fireball blast at Jacob which hurt him badly.

Jacob Todd: "You bastard!" He screamed and rushed at me.

Jacob tries to land punches and kicks at me but I simply dodge them all and start hitting back. I unleash a barrage spinning kick and shouted.

Kevin: "Tatsumaki Senpukyaku!" I shouted in a demonic voice I continue kicking at Jacob, making grunt in pain until I kicked him away.

Jacob Todd: "Why won't you just die?!" He screamed as he rushes at me.

Kevin: "If anyone deserves to die, it's you." I said as I fired a deadly toxic blast at Jacob, hurting him even more.

I then walked up to Jacob and started to beat up badly, making him scream in pain.

Kevin: "This is what you get for hurting others for your own selfish gain you bastard!" I said in rage as I kept beating Jacob up which started to make him afraid and his mask is started to crack.

Jacob Todd: "'re a monster!" He said in fear and tried to use his powers to escape but then he felt it...

He felt his power leave him.

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