Holiday Surprises Pt. 2

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(Requested by @emmamileven011. Hope you enjoy hun!:))

*1 year after part one*

Mike got home from work early on Christmas Eve. He walked in the door and saw El in the living room, rocking their daughter, Evelyn, in her arms gently. El had been having a rough time with not sleeping much, changing her, feeding her, and just taking care of her in general. And of course, Mike helped her. But she didn't care at any second because of how desperately she'd wanted a child.

"Hey baby, I'm home," Mike said quietly. He set his keys down gently and walked to the couch, placing a sweet kiss on El's forehead.

"I just fed her and now she's sleepy," El said and smiled up at him. She looked so complete now that she had a baby in her arms.

"I can't wait for the others to meet her," Mike said, sitting cautiously beside her. Their daughter didn't cry often, which they were thankful for.

It had been a long, rough year. They'd seen El while she was pregnant, but they hadn't seen her since the baby had been born. But it was Christmas Eve, and they were getting ready to go to Max and Lucas' for Christmas Day.

"Me neither," El said. She turned her head to Mike and they kissed softly.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you too," she said with a smile. She stood up and laid the baby gently in her crib-the one in the living room- and she and Mike went to the kitchen.

"I got the cookies out of the oven already, they just need to be decorated," El said.

"Have you eaten anything?"

"No. Haven't had time. Needed to make cookies and take care of Evelyn," El said.

"Well why don't I make you some dinner and you take a shower and relax for a minute. If she cries I'll get her," he said.

"No you don't have-"

"Go ahead," he said and kissed her forehead. She nodded and went to the bathroom and got in the shower. She sighed as the warm water ran down her body. She stood in the shower until the hot water ran out-something she never got to do anymore. She got out and got dressed and when she went into the kitchen she saw a plate of food on the table for her and Mike holding the baby while he put frosting on the cookies. The baby giggled when he made a face at her and she kept reaching for the cookies. She smiled wide and walked up behind him. He put his arm around her waist and they stood there decorating cookies and laughing with their baby. Finally El sat down for a minute and ate the dinner Mike had made her. She didn't realize how hungry she was. And then the baby was hungry, so she fed her while they watched A Christmas Story on TV. Once El burped the baby, she fell asleep, so they laid her in her crib that was in their bedroom and climbed into bed, exhausted. El snuggled up to her husband and he put her arms around her.

Surprisingly, the baby slept through the night.

In the morning, they got up and got dressed, putting the presents for everyone in bags and loading them in the car. El secured Evelyn in her car seat and they took off down the road. It was snowing, just like the previous year. They got to Max and Lucas' house and El got Evelyn out of the car while Mike carried the presents and the cookies. They walked inside and kicked off their shoes.

"We're here!!" Mike shouted.

"El! Mike!" They were bombarded by their friends, the kids not into it yet.

"Oh my goodness look at Evelyn she's so fucking cute!" Max said. Evelyn stared at everyone with her wide brown eyes and her thick eyelashes, and then she giggled.

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