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(Requested by the Max to my El _rosalyn_rivera_ enjoy❤️❤️)
(Age: 20)

"Hey, how was work?" El asked Mike as he walked in the door. He set down his bag and kicked off his shoes.

"Exhausting, as always. It isn't easy being the smartest person on the team," he said. El giggled and put her arms around his neck and he put his around her waist. She stood on her tip toes and kissed him gently, running her fingers through his hair.

"So how was your day?" He asked.

"Same as usual. Watched some TV dramas, prepared stuff for dinner. Oh, and I tore up some more of that ugly carpet in the guest room. That's what we get for buying a house that's a major fixer upper," El said and laughed. He followed her into the kitchen and she got into the fridge and handed him a beer and she got a glass of wine.

"At least it's Friday," she said. He put his arm around her shoulders and kissed her forehead. They stood there in silence, an arm around each other as they sipped their drinks.

"I have a question," El said.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Can we consider getting a dog? Or a cat? Really, any pet," El said.

"Well of course, but you said you didn't want one six months ago when we moved in. Why the change of heart?" He asked.

"Well I know we've talked about having kids in the future. But neither of us are ready. I mean, if we can't take care of a pet we definitely can't take care of children. Plus, it gets kind of lonely around here during the day when you're at work," she said. He set his drink down and took hers and set it on the counter too so he could have both arms around her.

"Yes. We can go to the shelter this weekend and see all the animals there. But it doesn't have to be a cat or dog. There's bunnies, birds, fish, snakes, all sorts of stuff."

"Nope nope nope no snakes or reptiles," she said.

"Okay, no reptiles," he chuckled. She giggled and kissed him and he picked her up and set her on the counter, their lips not breaking apart once.

"Mmm nope, none of that right now. I've gotta finish dinner," El said with a smile.

"Oh alright," Mike said and helped her down. She gave him another kiss and he unpacked his bag and took care of some final work things while she finished the dinner. They sat down at the table together and El was so excited about going to the shelter.

"I can't wait to go to the shelter! We could be those people that save one of the poor older animals that are going to be euthanized or something!" She said.

"Whatever you want. It's your world baby I'm just living in it," Mike said and kissed her forehead with a smile. He took their dishes to sink and washed them and they showered and climbed into bed.

"This is my favorite part of the day," El sighed and snuggled up against him.

"Mine too," he said and put his arms around her. They drifted off to sleep, and all El could think about was their new fur baby they'd be getting tomorrow.


The couple took their time getting up in the morning. They had breakfast together and then got cleaned up and dressed.

"I'm so excited!" El clapped as they got in the car.

"Me too. Especially since it makes you happy," he said.

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