Girl Fight

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(Based the Lifetime original movie Girl Fight)

Since El moved away with the Byers, Joyce decided it would be safe for her to go to school. She enrolled at the same school as Will, so at least she knew one person.

On the first day, Will and El climbed into the car.

"El, you ready?" Joyce asked.

"Not really. I'm scared," El said, hugging her backpack. She didn't have Mike, or Hopper, or even her powers to help her feel a little safer.

"You don't have to be scared. School isn't really a big deal. I'll show you the ropes, and maybe you can make some friends," Will said. El nodded and looked out the window as they drove down the road. She didn't want friends. She wanted Hopper back. And Mike.

Joyce pulled up to the school and gave each of them kisses on the tops of their heads.

"Have a good day! And hey, El, Will will be here the whole time. Talk to him if you need anything okay!" Joyce said. El nodded and Joyce sped off to work. El followed behind Will closely, holding onto his shoulder.

"We don't have any classes together until after lunch. And we do have lunch together," Will said. El nodded and watched the other kids opening their lockers and did exactly what they did. She nearly screeched with excitement when she got it open on her first try.

"Girls, look," a girl a grade above El said from a couple lockers down. El looked up and saw her and her group of friends staring. She looked back down and sobbed her books in her locker.

"New girl," a tall, blonde girl said. Now they were beside her. They were all dressed up really nice and hung around each other like a basic high school clique.

"What's your name," the blonde girl said.

"El..." she answered quietly.

"El, that's nice. Were you homeschooled? You look like you can't dress. But don't worry, stick with us, we'll get you in some of the cutest clothes. You'll be thanking us," a dark haired girl said beside her. She had a smug look on her face. But El didn't know anything about girls and high school and cliques. So she went with it.

"Uh...okay," she said and smiled shyly, hugging her textbooks to her chest.

"Cool. I'm Allison...that's Kirstin, Haley, Madison, Taylor, and Macy. Come on," the blonde girl, who was obviously Allison, said. She linked arms with El and led her down the hallway and El smiled at Will, who gave her a thumbs up. Even at lunch, Will sat with his new friends. Will was so excited that El was finally getting a bit of a normal life.


A couple weeks went by and El spent all day, every day at school with her new friends. She was so excited to finally have girl friends to hang out with.

As she was walking to the lunch table where she and the girls sat, she was stopped by an office woman.

"El Hopper? You have a phone call," she said. El nodded and set her tray down at the table with her friends.

"Girl where you going?" Taylor asked.

"I have a phone call in the office," El said. She nodded and El went to the office. The woman handed her the phone.


"El!" An excited voice said.

"Mike?!" El said.

"Hey's school going?"

"It's good. I made some friends. I miss you though," El said, twirling the phone cord.

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