First Day of School Pt. 2

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Mike walked El through the steps of opening her locker and took her to her first class, making sure she was settled in.

"I have to go but we have 2nd period together so I'll see you soon okay?" He said. She nodded but he felt her grip his hand tightly.

"I promise you you'll be alright. I love you," Mike said softly.

"I love you too," she said. She wanted to kiss him, but Max told her that kissing at school wasn't really allowed.

"Wow Wheeler actually got himself a girlfriend?" Some kid said behind him. He turned around to see one of Troy's friends and Troy was beside him.

"Hey I recognize her...that's the freak who broke my arm with her mind!" Troy said, pointing at El. Her eyes went wide and she looked at Mike. Even though her powers were gone, someone recognizing her for them was dangerous.

"Leave her alone," Mike said sternly. Mike had gotten much taller and stronger over that past summer, so he could probably beat up Troy much easier than before. He stood up from his crouching position and stood in front of El.

"Makes sense. Wheeler's always been a loser so of course the only girl he can get is some...mutant freak," Troy said. He and his friend laughed as the first bell rang, telling them they had two minutes to get to class. They both sat in their seats and Mike got nervous knowing they were alone in this class with her and none of their friends were in that class either to protect her. He turned back to El and kissed her forehead.

"I'll be here immediately after class," he said and left the room. El gripped her textbook tight. Troy was giving her a terrifying glare. The final bell rang and the teacher came in.

"Okay guys, we have a new student joining us today. Miss...El Hopper...would you like to stand up and tell us a little something about yourself?" The teacher said. El stood up slowly, trembling so hard she thought she'd explode.

"I'm...I'm El Hopper...I uh..." she stuttered.

"Any relation to Jim Hopper? The police chief?" She asked.

"He's uh...he's uncle. My parents wanted to travel so I came here to stay with him..." El said. Just like she rehearsed with Mike and Hopper.

"Where are you from then?" The teacher asked.

"California," El answered quickly.

"Well that sounds wonderful! We're happy to have you here El," she said. El nodded and sat back down in her seat.

"Weirdo," Troy whispered in her ear and chuckled with his friend. El looked down and opened her book, hiding her face in it. She needed second period to come. She spent all of first period listening to Troy and his friends whisper insults and mean things in her ear. The bell rang and she got up and went to her second period just where Mike had shown her. Max and Dustin came in the room and went over to her.

"Are you okay?" Max asked, leaning on the counter beside her.

"Yea, rough first period. Where is Mike?" She asked.

"His first class is on the other side of the school. Takes him a minute to get here," Dustin said. Max and Dustin talked to El for a minute and she let out a breath of relief when she saw Mike come in the door.

"Mike..." she whimpered. He set his books down and walked over to her quickly. She wrapped her arms around him and held on so tight her knuckles were white.

"Are you okay?" He asked. She stayed silent and just hid her face in his chest and started crying. Mike figured it was because of Troy and he just held her against him and rubbed her back slowly.


The rest of the day went by relatively peacefully. At the end of the day, El was walking to her locker when she heard a voice yell behind her.

"Hey, freak!" Troy yelled. She kept walking and she heard Troy as he pushed people out of the way.

"Hey I'm talking to you!" He shouted. Suddenly El felt pressure on her shoulders as she was shoved to the ground, her books and papers flying everywhere. Troy grabbed her shirt and held it tight.

"How the fuck did you do it?" He snarled.

"Do what?" El croaked.

"Make me pee my pants! And break my arm! And make Wheeler fly!" He shouted. El flinched a bit and stayed silent.

"Get off her!" Mike shouted and shoved Troy off of El. He kneeled beside her and Max and Will gathered her papers and stuff. Mike helped her off the floor and stood in front of her, his arm out to keep her behind him. She put her hands on his shoulders and peeked out from behind him to look at Troy.

"I want to know what's wrong with your freak ass girlfriend? She's some sort of mutant or something! But hey, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Freaks usually do attract other freaks. Hey, you know...Wheeler is awfully close to weirdo. I'll just call you two Mr. and Mrs. Weirdo!" Troy said and laughed.

"That's so stupid," Max said. They put El's things in Will's backpack and Max stood her ground beside Mike. Will stood next to El, his hand on her shoulder. She and Will had become good friends since they bonded over the the situation with the upside down and the mind flayer.

"I've got my eye on you, El. I'm going to find out what you did to me. And once I do, you're going to regret it. I will kill you. And it will be slow and painful," Troy said. He stormed passed them, making sure to shove El out of the way extra hard. Mike tried to follow him, his fists balled up.

"Mike don't!" Max and Will said, stopping him.

"Dammit I'm going to beat his ass!" Mike shouted.

"Mike don't..." El whimpered behind him. He softened at the sound of her voice and turned around to her. She was trembling and had tears trailing down her face.

"I'm so sorry El..." Mike said. He pulled her into a tight hug, holding her against his body. One of his hands cradled the back of her head against his chest, the other rested on her upper back. She rested her hands on his chest, her head laying on her fingertips. She started crying harder in his embrace and he massaged her scalp gently and kissed the top of her head. Dustin and Lucas finally appeared with their bags and saw the scene and Max explained everything, which lead them to get into a group hug around Mike and El.

"Guys why don't you all come over to my house this afternoon? I think El needs it," Mike said to them. They all agreed it would be nice to hang out. El wasn't really paying attention, she was just crying against Mike's chest and trying to calm herself down.

"I'm going to get her home and cleaned up. Come over anytime you want to," Mike said gently. He started walking and kept an arm around El, keeping her close to him. They went outside and his mom waved at them, her smile fading when she saw El's state. They climbed into the car and Mike kept his arms around El as they drove out of the parking lot. El knew already that school would be her least favorite place in her life to be.

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