Dream of Me

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(Hi enjoy some unnecessary CHESSY ASF fluff and a shitty update cuz I have a lot of ideas and no clue how to carry them out)

Moving away was hard as hell. Every second El spent missing Mike. And Hopper. She laid on the couch in the living room, hugging a pillow as she watched tv. She didn't even realize she was crying. Scenes of people reuniting were always her favorite. But now, all she could see was the day her and Mike reunited.'

"El? Are you okay honey?" Joyce asked. El looked up at her and became hyper aware of the tears on her face. She quickly wiped them away and turned back to the TV.

"Yea, I'm fine," she said. Joyce sat down on the floor in front of the sofa.

"Talk to me sweetheart. What's going on?" Joyce asked. El sighed.

"Just missing Hopper and Mike...I can't watch these stupid people reunite in this tv show because all I can see is it as me and Mike...I want to be with him..." El said and wiped her eyes again.

"El...I know...I wish I could bring Hopper back too...and I wish that I could've brought Mike with us..." Joyce said.

"I want to go back...to the times when all I worried about was when Mike would be back in the morning and then Hopper would yell at us for making out...us being broken up was easier than being away from him like this..." Joyce grabbed El's hand, using her free one to reach up and wipe the tears from the poor girl's face.

"You'll see each other soon. I swear. As soon as we get a trip figured out. How long has it been since you called him? Or he called you?

"A couple days..."

"Go call him honey. It'll help," Joyce said. El nodded and hugged her tight. Joyce hugged her back and smiled when they pulled away. El went down to her room and shut the door. She sank down on the floor leaning against her bed. She burst into tears as she grabbed the phone and shakily dialed Mike's number.

"Hello?" He said.

"Mike," El said with a sigh, relieved to hear his voice. Just like Joyce said.

"El..." he breathed. It had only been a week since they'd seen each other and heard each other's voices, but it felt like eternity.

"Are you okay?" Mike asked.

"Yea I just...I'm failing my classes because all I can think of is you and Hopper...I miss you so much," El said.

"I miss you too. But we'll be together before you know it, okay?" Mike said.

"Promise me..." she whined.

"I promise you. My mom said she and Joyce are already planning something," Mike said.

"I will...I wish I could kiss you. I wish you were beside me right now," El sighed.

"Me too...I really do.... just...wear that sweater I gave you and think of me...okay? Just pretend the warmth is my arms around you...until we can actually be together," Mike said. He bit his lip to keep the tears back. He couldn't let El hear him crying. It'd only make her more sad.

"Okay..." El said. The line was silent for a moment.



"I...I love you," Mike said. El smiled from ear to ear despite her teary eyes and puffy face.

"I love you too..." she choked out.

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