
319 6 16

(Age: 20)
(Warning!: contains some gentle smut (not overly detailed cuz as badly as I wanna write good smut I get antsy and awkward when I do write it😂😭🙃))

El watched in pain as Mike hugged his new "girlfriend". They'd been talking for weeks, and they weren't technically official, but they might as well have been.

"El, quit torturing yourself," Max said. They were sitting at a picnic table in the courtyard of the community college, doing some schoolwork. Back when they all got along still, the entire party agreed to go to the community college together. And now, after two years of school and their major breakup, it was a pointless gesture.

El turned back to her paper and threw her pencil down. She tucked the papers into her book and slammed it shut.

"Where are you going? We have to finish th-"

"I'm going home. I'll see you later," she said, her throat burning from the effort of holding back the tears. She went back to her house and plopped down on her bed. In her bedside table drawer laid a picture of her and Mike, which she held to her chest and cried. Her phone rang with a call from Max, and she declined it and slammed her phone down on her bed. She wanted him back so badly. She wasn't even sure what made them fight and break up in the first place. But it all hurt.

El ended up falling asleep, but she woke up when it was dark out. She glanced over at her clock. Perfect, it was only 10:30. She jumped up and brushed her hair and drove into town to the townhouse complex where he lived. She had to talk to him. To tell him how she felt. Before he fell entirely for the other girl and it was too late. She walked up to his front door and knocked.

"El? What are you doing here right now?" Mike asked, stepping out and closing the door behind him. It was chilly, and El had run out without her coat.

"I know you've got someone new and you're over us but I'm not! And I feel like there's so much I need to tell you and I don't know how and it's too late! I don't understand how you were able to move on so quickly. I'm still not over it! And I just...I love you! I still fucking love you! And I want you all the time!" El shouted. She didn't care if the neighbors could hear her or how embarrassing it was for her to be standing there like that.

"Say something...please..." El whimpered. She was begging him. And shamelessly so. He was shocked-he didn't know how to answer. El crossed her arms to try and warm herself and turned around to go down the stairs and leave.

"El..." he said. She stopped and turned back around to him, but didn't go back up the stairs.

"Yea...?" She asked. He walked to her and took her hands, leading her back up the stairs. He pulled her inside and shut and locked the door. He draped a blanket from the recliner over her shoulders and rubbed her arms up and down to warm her. She looked up at him and their eyes met. Their faces were inches apart, both of their hearts pounding. El was shocked that he made the first move. He stepped towards her, backing her up and making her back gently press against the wall. He put his hands on her jaw and then pressed his lips to hers hard. The shock in her body wasn't strong enough to prevent her from kissing him back. She missed the feeling of his lips on hers. She shrugged the blanket off her shoulders and slid her hands up his chest, working the buttons undone on his shirt. Their lips didn't disconnect even as he shrugged his shirt off onto the floor.

"We shouldn't do this," he said. But the words that came out of his mouth were the opposite of how he felt. The opposite of what he wanted.

"I know," El said. She felt the exact same way. She knew it was only hurting her, but she wanted it so bad.

Her hands slid down and grabbed the hem of her shirt and Mike replaced her hands with his and pulled her top over her head. His lips connected with the skin of her neck and she leaned her head back with a content sigh, running her fingers through his hair. He picked her up and carried her to his bedroom, shutting the door behind them. They backed up to the edge of the bed and shimmied out of their jeans and underwear. Mike lifted her off her feet and gently laid her on her back on the bed. He climbed on top of her and their lips connected roughly but passionately. She put her arms around him and dug her fingers into his back, both of them letting out gasps as he entered her. It wasn't as much about the sex as it was about being together.

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