Meeting Mike's Mom

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(Requested by @SondaCreasy
I hope you enjoy love!:))

Even after all that time El had spent hiding at Mike's house, she'd never formally met anyone in his family aside from Nancy. She really wanted to, but she was scared, especially since Mike's parents didn't know the truth.

Mike was over visiting her at the Byers' house while Nancy visited Jonathan. He sat down beside her with her new book. She loved when he read to her, so every time they were together he'd read to her for a bit.

"Mike..." El said.

"What's up?" He asked gently, sitting criss cross across from her. She did the same and he took her hands in his and rested them in his lap.

"I uh...I was just thinking about how much I want to meet your parents," El said. Mike's eyes went wide and he smiled.

"We can work that out. What's the problem?" He asked gently.

"Mike the problem is that I'm scared. Your mother doesn't know a thing about me. She only knows that I was a government experiment and you were hiding me for a while. She thinks I got taken back to the lab," El said.

"We can figure that out. We could tell her a fake story. That they let you go, that it was your twin sister who was in the lab, something. If you really want to meet them, we can work that out," Mike said. El smiled and put her hand on his cheek.

"What did I do to deserve you?"

Mike simply smiled and kissed her sweetly and then she snuggled up to him for him to read to her. She couldn't focus though; she was too busy already planning on what to wear and say to Mike's parents.

"Mike, time to go," Nancy said. Mike sighed and sat up and El made a pouty face.

"I'll call you later and we can figure out you coming over," he said and kissed her. She nodded and Mike left with Nancy. She couldn't help but think of everything that his parents might find wrong with her. Nancy adored El, but she also knew about everything. El laid down in her bed and stared at the ceiling, her thoughts running wild.


Mike got home and went to his mother, who was standing in the kitchen cleaning up dishes from supper. Holly sat on the counter beside her.

"Mom...can I to you about something..." he said. She didn't even know Mike had a girlfriend.

"Sure honey what is it?" She asked. Mike lifted himself up and sat on the counter on the island.

"Holly why don't you go play with your father," Karen said. Holly nodded and Karen got her off the counter and she ran off. Then she lifted herself up to sit next to Mike on the island.

"Okay, what did you wanna talk about?" She asked.

"I girlfriend, El, really wants to meet you and dad..." he said.

"You have a girlfriend? Is it that girl that moved away with the Byers?" Karen asked.

"How'd you know that?"

"Because you seem awfully excited to go over there every time Nancy goes to see Jonathan and I know it isn't to see Will. You would only get excited like that when you told me about your crushes when you were younger," Karen said with a laugh. Mike's face turned red.

"So...could she come over sometime? We could make her dinner and you guys could just...get to know each other," Mike said.

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