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Mike sat on his bed, writing his report for school. It had been almost three years-three years since he'd watched Eleven 'die'. Even after so much time, all he could think about was her. His report was about someone in his life who he viewed as a hero. And naturally, his response was Eleven. He didn't even know he was crying until a tear drop landed on his paper.

He jumped when there was a knock on his bedroom door.

"Come in," he said, quickly swiping at his eyes. Nancy stepped in and shut the door behind her.

"What's up?" He asked. She started to speak and she noticed the stray tears on his face.

"Are you okay?" She asked. Mike tapped his leg anxiously and looked at her as he choked back the tears. He was trying so hard not to cry. He didn't cry much in front of his sister. Nancy gave him a sympathetic half-smile and sat down and pulled him into a hug, which made him start crying. Nancy knew exactly what he was crying about when she saw her name at the top of his paper. She remembered writing that report too.

"Hey, why don't you take a break from the paper and come to town with Jonathan and I? I think it'd be good for you to get out of the house for a bit," Nancy said.

"I should really finish this paper..." Mike said.

"Hey, you've still got four days until it's due right? You'll be okay. Come on," she said. Mike sighed and glanced back at his report before giving in and nodding. Maybe she was right. A change of scenery may do him some good.

Nancy went to talk to Jonathan and Mike decided to get cleaned up and make himself presentable. He showered and got dressed and ran a comb through his hair. He came downstairs and Nancy and Jonathan and Will were there.

"What's this?" Mike asked.

"You've been so depressed and anxious lately, Mike. I've seen it. We thought it would be nice," Nancy said. Mike tapped his foot anxiously and Nancy sighed. He was proving her point.

"Okay..." he mumbled. There was no point in arguing it. He followed them out and climbed in the backseat beside Will. They were driving towards town and they got pulled over by a 'police' car. The man came up to the window and leaned down.

"Excuse me, but is that Will Byers in your vehicle?" He asked.

"Uh...depends on who's asking," Jonathan asked, glancing back at Will. Suddenly a couple of other patrol vehicles surrounded them and they all got out, bearing guns aimed on their car.

"What the hell is this?" Jonathan asked.

"We're going to need you all to come with us," the man said.

"What the hell? No!" Jonathan shouted. He tried to put the car in drive and drive away and men surrounded them and pulled the doors open, yanking all of them out of the car. They were especially after Mike and Will because of their relation to Eleven and the upside down.

"Let them go!" Jonathan shouted, fighting against the security guard holding him.

"Let go! Let go of me you bastard!" Mike shouted. They started to drag Mike and Will to a van when suddenly their grips were lost and they were frozen in place. Mike and Will pulled away from the guards and back over to Nancy and Jonathan. Every single guard that had shown up was frozen. But then blood started to come out of their eyes, ears, noses, and the corners of their mouths. Then there was a cracking sound and they all fell to the ground: dead.

"They're...are they dead?" Will asked. Jonathan nudged someone with his foot and they were entirely unresponsive. He tried checking their pulse. Nothing.

"Yea...they're...they're dead," Jonathan said, looking up at Nancy, Will, and Mike.

"Mike...?" A weak, female voice whimpered. Mike felt his heart sink to his stomach. He recognized that voice. He'd recognize it anywhere. He turned around to the source of the voice and he could have sworn his heart skipped a beat.

"Eleven..." Mike whispered. His feet carried him in her direction before his brain could stop it. El was frozen. She couldn't move. Mike was running to her and before she knew it he scooped her up in his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and spinning her around.

"Mike!" She gasped as she started to cry. Mike hid his face in her hair and started crying and they could feel each other's tears on the skin of their necks. Even after he set her back on her feet, they didn't loosen their embrace. They pulled away from each other finally and Mike opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He wanted so badly to say something, but he couldn't find the right words. So instead he grabbed her face and leaned in and pressed his lips to hers, giving her a sloppy, passionate kiss. She kissed him back, her palms rested on his chest and her fingers gripping the fabric of his shirt. She felt hot tears continue to trail down her face as they pulled away.

"El did you find us?" Mike asked.

"They had one of those vans...I was being experimented on and they forced me to find you guys because they knew you had information about the upside down..." El cried. Mike noticed the scars on her face, neck, and arms, and he only feared how much worse they might be on the rest of her body.

"What did they do to you?" He asked, gently raising her arm to examine the scars. One wound particular stood out to him on her bicep; a large incision mark, as though they'd inserted something into her arm.

"They chipped me..." El said when she saw his gaze on her arm.

"I...El, what all have they done to you?" He asked. He felt himself crying again.

"We can talk about that later," she cried and pressed her forehead to his.

"I'm...I'm so happy I found you again...I've truly been miserable without you..." Mike said.

"I'm sorry..." she whimpered. She felt guilty.

"It isn't your fault. Don't think for one second I blame you. Okay?" Mike said, his hand resting on her cheek and his thumb brushing across her skin. She nodded and she turned to the others, finally giving them hugs. She naturally gravitated back towards Mike after she greeted the others. She buried her face back against his chest and took in the feeling of his arms around her. It felt surreal to be back with him after all this time, and she just didn't want to let go of him.

"Mike..." El whispered.

"Yea?" He asked, running his fingers through her hair.

"I...don't let them get me again. They'll come for me," she said, making a reference to the men from this new lab she'd been taken to.

"I'll protect you until my very last breath. I promise," Mike said, placing another kiss on her lips softly.

"Guys, we should probably get out of here," Nancy said. There was the sound of sirens in the distance which caused El to panic. They ran to Jonathan's car and El got in the middle of Mike and Will. Mike put both of his arms around her and she leaned close to him as Jonathan sped off. They didn't know who was behind them, or what they wanted, but they knew that whatever it was, it was dangerous. And Mike wouldn't let El be in danger anymore.

A/N: This one did kind of suck I know. Nothing I could write could ever beat how amazing the reunion scene was in the show itself. And this one could easily have a part 2 because of how it ended so if you're interested in a part 2, let me know! :)

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