Back Together

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El was laying in her bed after getting off the phone with Max. She was sobbing her heart out. Between her breakup with Mike and the sauna test they'd done and nearly dying, she was stressed and very depressed. And, not to mention, scared. Max had just congratulated her on her strength so far whilst dealing with the break up. But she didn't feel strong. It'd already been two weeks since all of that had happened, but it felt like minutes. This wasn't the first night she'd cried about the whole situation.

She sat up in her bed and bit her nails, thinking hard. She finally decided to get up and go to the phone. Hop was passed out on the couch. After all, it was 2am. She dialed Mike's number and went quietly back to her room with the phone.

"Hello?" Mike's voice said over the phone. Obviously he had been sleeping. El sighed contently at the sound of his voice.

"Mike..." El breathed.

"E-El..." he stuttered. She heard the door to the downstairs bathroom shut. He must've been hanging out with the guys.

"Why are you calling at 2am?" He asked. She wasn't sure if the tone in his voice was annoyed, confused, or both. The sound of a choked sob escaped her throat.

"What's wrong? El are you okay?" Mike asked.

"No...Mike...I'm not okay..." she whimpered.

"El talk to me what's going on," Mike asked. He was broken-hearted at how broken her voice sounded over the phone.

"I miss you, Mike. And I'm sorry..." she cried. Mike didn't know what to say.

"I'm coming over just...I'll be there soon," he said and hung up. He ran around the room, putting his regular clothes over his pajamas. Somehow, Will and Lucas had slept through the sounds of the phone ringing. He ran up the stairs and put on his jacket. He grabbed his house key and locked the door on the way out. Then he hopped on his bike and rode all the way to their cabin. When he got there, El was standing on the porch in her pajamas, hugging herself and crying and shivering.

"Okay El what's wrong?" He asked as he walked up to her.

"Mike..." she simply whined and held her arms out. He walked into her arms and she hugged his torso tight. For a moment, he hesitated, but then his arms wrapped around her, one around her back and the other holding her head against his chest. She sobbed against his chest and he felt her fingertips pressed into his skin as she held on tight.

"El, talk to me..." he said softly, shifting so he was resting his chin on top of her head. He felt her shake her head and she pulled away.

"It was a mistake to break up with you...I miss you...and I'm so lost...and scared..." she whimpered. Mike sighed and wrapped one arm around her waist. She rested her hands on his chest and he caressed her cheek every so gently with his free hand. She felt like crying more under his gaze. She wasn't sure what he was thinking, but she wished her powers had been reading people's minds at the moment. He didn't say anything. Instead he used his hand to pull her face closer to his gently and press their lips together delicately. She kissed him back softly and her muscles relaxed.

"It's my fault, if anyone's, El. I never should've lied to you. It was unfair of me. You had every right to be pissed off, and, yes, even dump me," Mike said quietly. She giggled just barely, but Mike took notice.

"I feel terrible, Mike. was unfair of me not to hear you out. You tried to explain," she said. He smiled and kissed her nose.

"Well...why don't we just put it all behind us and you my girlfriend again," Mike said softly.

"Yes...please...but we can't tell Max yet," El said and looked down shamefully.

"That's alright. I'm cool with keeping it a secret until you find the right words to tell her," he said. El smiled and kissed him again and she hugged him once more, resting her head on his chest yet again. They swayed back and forth for a moment, dancing to the nonexistent music.

"Hey El," Mike said.


"I love you," he said. El tightened her grip on him and smiled.

"I love you too..."


They had kept the fact that they were back together a secret for eight weeks so far. It was time for the fall fair, and they were all going as a group. They were all sitting around a table, deciding what to do first. El had never been to a fair before, so Max vowed to take her on every ride and make her try all sorts of fair food. Mike sighed. He'd love to walk around and just hold her hand. He'd always wanted to take her to a fair for a date so they could play the games together and he could be cliché and win her a teddy bear or something and they could ride the rides together. But it obviously wouldn't be happening this time.

"C'mon you have to ride the tilt-a-whirl and the paratrooper!" Max said excitedly as she pulled on El's hand. Of course she was excited, but she really wanted to spend time with Mike. Since they were trying to be secretive, they still didn't see each other very often. El gave up fighting Max and decided she'd get Mike to ride the zipper with her. Max said she had to ride it but there was no way she was getting on it without Mike.

The group reconnected after Max took El on a couple of the classic rides. El stood beside Max, trying to keep her "Mike and I are broken up" game face on. But it was getting harder the longer they all hung out. She wanted to kiss him. Bad. Max and Lucas wanted to go play a game together, the Dustin ran off to talk to Steve for a minute, leaving Mike, El, and Will at the picnic table they were sitting at. Max kept turning to check on El to make sure she was okay nearly being alone with Mike.

"Guys I'm going to go get some lemonade. I'll be back," Will said. He was clueless to what was going on, so he just got up and walked away. El smiled at Mike and blushed. Mike glanced over and saw Max was busy with her game.

"C'mon," he said and grabbed El's hand. He dragged her to a game that was out of Max and Lucas's sight. She giggled and they paid to play the game. Mike beat El and, classically, picked the teddy bear prize.

"For you," he said and smiled, holding it out to her with both hands. She giggled and took it from his hands.

"Thank you," she said. Her face felt hot and she sighed. She hugged the bear to her chest with one arm and reached up to Mike's face with her free hand. She rested her fingers on his jaw and they gazed into each other's eyes. He leaned down and kissed her sweetly. She smiled against his lips and kissed him back. They pulled apart and rested their foreheads together, their lips still hovering together.

"What the hell?" Max's voice said behind them. El jumped and turned around, standing in front of Mike. He put his hands on her shoulders to try and relax her. He knew she was terrified.

"El what are you doing?!" She asked. Dustin and Will had rejoined Lucas and Max and looked just as shocked as them.

"I..." El stuttered. Max looked at her questioningly, as if saying: well??

"Max, listen," Mike said.

"I don't want to hear it. What did you say to her to make her do that?" Max said, grabbing El's hand to pull her away.

"He didn't do anything Max!" El said.

"What? I don't understand..." Max said. El looked down at the ground, avoiding her best friend's wide eyed stares as she kicked at a rock with her shoe.

"We've been back together for eight weeks," El admitted. Mike stepped up behind her and replaced his hands on her shoulders again.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Cuz I knew you'd react like this. I love him, Max..." El said. She still didn't look up. It was the first time she'd said she loves him in front of the others. They normally just said it to each other. Max sighed.

"If you love him, then I want you to be happy. I'm sorry. To both of you. It wasn't fair of me to get involved in your relationship," Max said. El smiled.

"We forgive you," Mike said. El smiled back at him and hugged Max. Then she went back to Mike and jumped in his arms, excited she didn't have to hide her love for him anymore. She kissed him hard and giggled. The others couldn't help but smile. They had to admit it was awkward to have Mike and El broken up. El finally let go of him and unwrapped her legs from around his waist and set her feet on the ground, kissing him one more time. Then she turned to the others with wide, excited eyes.

"To the zipper!"

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