Coffee Shop

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(Age: 19)

Sophomore year of college. It was late September, but it was already getting a bit to chilly for El's liking to be outside to study. The leaves were barely starting to change; a few red or orange leaves here and there.

El's favorite place to study was the park near the college. It was green, peaceful, and relaxing; the perfect place. But with the weather changing, she had to find a new place. Somewhere indoors where she could still focus.

Her new spot? The Coffee Cove; a quaint little family owned cafe on Main Street just up the road from her residence hall.

And day after day, her eyes fell upon one particularly cute boy who worked there: Mike. She didn't know his last name since his name tag only gave his first.

Mike wasn't as into his schooling as El was. He spent more time working than studying, trying to make enough money to pay his tuition. It wasn't worth it to him; since he wasn't passing his classes anyway he saw it as a waste of money.

But Mike liked to work. He spent as many hours as he could a day at the cafe, racking up money that later would just go to the school. But at this job; he found his joy in working; a young lady with shoulder length brown hair who was in there every single day. Her name? El.

"Hey there welcome to the Coffee Cove. What can I get you today?" Mike asked El.

"Hey, can I just get a large iced coffee with French van-"

"French vanilla creamer and mocha syrup, with a shot of espresso? Yes ma'am," Mike said and winked at her. She blushed and smiled at him, tucking some hair behind her ear. Cute boy memorized her order.

"Thank you," she said and paid. She stood and waited for her drink and he handed her her cup.

"Thank you!" She said again.

"My pleasure," he said, offering her a charming smile. She walked to her table where her school supplies were and set the drink down. As she was sliding the straw in, she saw more than just her name on her cup.

You're cute, you should text me sometime
801-820-0263 ;)

She turned her head around to the counter and her's and Mike's eyes met. She smiled and held the cup up, pointing at his number. To which he simply nodded with another one of his heart melting winks. She took her phone out and typed in the number.

When you're on break or lunch or whatever, come over here and sit with me - El

He took his phone out, since there were no customers, and he smiled at her text.

Can't wait - Mike

El smiled over at him one last time before opening up her notebook and starting to copy down notes from her computer. She worked for hours, sipping on her coffee. She jumped when a figure stood beside her and picked her cup up.

"Would you like a refill? On me. Or, some lunch, since I've never actually seen you eat here? Also, on me," he said. Goodness, his smile was so charming and addictive.

"Uh, no that's okay you don't have to-"

"Well, it's my lunch break. How about I get us some lunch and join you?" He asked.

"Okay," El managed to say. She was so nervous around him. She felt like a middle school girl around her little crush.

"I'll be back," he said. Less than five minutes later, he returned with two lunches on trays. She scooted her laptop and notebook away.

"Thank you but you didn't have to get me lunch," El said.

"It's alright, I wanted to. El..."

"Hopper. El Hopper," she said and smiled at him.

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