Girl Fight Pt. 3

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The next day, El was finally fast asleep. She'd managed to eat something without throwing it back up. And then she was exhausted and fell asleep right on the couch. Will tossed a blanket over her and they all stayed as quiet as possible so she could finally rest.

"Joyce, can I borrow your car?" Mike asked.

"Sure, what for?" She asked, handing him the keys.

"I'm just going to go out for a bit," he said. He kissed El on her forehead carefully and left. He drove down the road and pulled up to the address he had found of Allison's house. He got out and knocked on the door. Allison answered.

"Hi, are you Allison?" Mike asked.

"I am...who are you?" She asked.

"My name is Mike. I believe you know my girlfriend, El," he said. Her eyes went wide and Kirsten materialized behind Allison.

"How could you do that to her? She was your friend. All she wanted was to fit in and she finally felt like she belonged. And because of two stupid words she said, you thought she deserved to be beat nearly to death?" Mike said angrily.

"We barely touched her," Kirsten said sassily.

"Barely touched her? She has a concussion...her left ear drum is busted...she has possible permanent vision loss in her left beat up and permanently damaged her. She can't stop crying and throwing up and having nightmares. All because you petty ass bitches who thought a near death beating was punishment for some words. She said something bad about you so what? That's life. And guess what? The police have the tape, and they're on their way," Mike said. He walked back to Joyce's car and climbed in and drove off. Allison looked at Kirsten and before they could flee the house, the police pulled up to the house and got out, coming towards the door. Mike drove home and he got inside and El was still asleep.

"Where did you go?" Joyce asked. Her, Nancy, Will, and Jonathan were around the table.

"I uh...I went and told off those girls. They were being arrested when I left," Mike said, setting Joyce's keys back in the basket by the door where they go.

"They were?" She said, hopping up from her chair. Mike nodded and sat down beside El. Her head shot up and she threw the blanket off of her.

"Hey baby it's okay. You're home. You're safe," Mike said. He kissed her cheek below one of her bruises and she closed her eyes and smiled.

"I've got good news," Mike said gently.

"What is it," she asked.

"The girls who did this to you have been arrested," Mike said. She felt a million pounds lift off her shoulders and she sighed with relief and started crying and put her arms around his neck.

"Hey hey why are you crying?" Mike asked, rubbing her back.

"I don't know..." she whimpered and wiped her face cautiously so she didn't hurt herself.

"Hey, they can't hurt you anymore. Ever again," he whispered. Then Joyce was on the phone and she hang up and walked over, kneeling in front of El.

"It isn't just over, unfortunately. We have to go to court. Testify. Go through the ups and downs of a plea bargain and the charges being made and sentencing..." Joyce said. El looked down at her lap and fiddled with her fingers.

"Hey don't worry about it honey. We'll take care of you. There's nothing to worry about. It'll only take a few weeks and then it'll be over and you can heal and move on with your life," Joyce said and patted El's leg.

"And I'll be here every step of the way. All of us will," Mike said. They all stood around in a circle and nodded in agreement. She tucked her knees up to her chest and started to cry again and Mike put his arms around her.

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