Wisdom Teeth

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(Another wonderful request by @SondaCreasy! I hope you enjoy again lovely!:))

El had never been to the dentist before. She didn't even know what a dentist was until recently.

The party was having a huge sleepover at Mike's and she was in the bathroom brushing her teeth. That's when her gums in the back corners, both top and bottom, started hurting like crazy; as if someone was rubbing them with sandpaper.

"Mike!" She shouted.

"What's wrong?" He asked, pushing the door open.

"My gums hurt really bad...I think they're bleeding..." she said. She was in a bit of a panic, simply because she didn't know what was going on.

"Let me see," he said. He turned her head so he could see inside her mouth and checked her gums in the back of her mouth. They were super red and swollen.

"Good god El...when was the last time you saw a dentist?" Mike asked.

"I've never been to one," she said.

"Well we need to get you to one. I think it might be your wisdom teeth," he said.

"Wisdom...teeth?" El asked.

"Yea they're these molars or something that come in in the back of your gums on the top and bottom. They come up way later than the rest of your teeth; still not sure why," Mike said.

"Why are they called wisdom teeth? Are they smart?" El asked. Mike couldn't help but chuckle a bit at his girlfriend's innocent state.

"No, they're not smart. I don't know why they call them that. I think it's just because they come in so late. They're 'wiser' than the rest of your teeth. It's a metaphor," Mike said. El nodded and turned back to the mirror, her gums still sore.

"Hey, let's get you some ibuprofen for tonight, and we can call for a dentist tomorrow, okay?" He said. She nodded and Mike went upstairs and got her some water and a couple of ibuprofen, which she took gratefully. She slipped into her sleeping bag beside Mike's and drifted off to sleep.

The next afternoon, Mike drove El back to hers and Hopper's cabin. El went to the bathroom to check on her gums and Mike sat down across from Hop at the table.

"She needs to see a dentist," Mike said.

"What's wrong with her?" Hop asked.

"I think her wisdom teeth are causing her problems. Last night when she was brushing her teeth her gums were really red and swollen and she said they burned. They're still bothering her today," Mike said.

"Alright, I'll call and schedule her an appointment," Hop said. Mike nodded and kissed El goodbye before leaving. Hopper made dinner, but she wouldn't eat because of her gums.

Three days later, El was going to the dentist for the first time. She made Mike go back with her. They did x-rays and a cleaning and all sorts of stuff.

"Okay Miss El...we are going to have to have you scheduled for wisdom tooth surgery," The dentist said. She shot up in her chair and Mike grabbed her shoulder to keep her calm.

"Why?" She asked.

"Your wisdom teeth are causing some space issues in your mouth, as well as the pain they're causing. We'll schedule the surgery for next Wednesday," They said. El freaked out and reached over to Mike.

"Hey it's going to be okay. I'm going to come with you and I will be there the whole time," Mike said. When she got out of the office, she went to Hopper in the waiting room.

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