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El climbed off her bed and went across the room to her phone. She dialed Max's number and it rang for only a few seconds before she picked up.


"Max...are you up for a sleepover? I really need to talk to you," El said.

"Yea of course! My house or yours?" Max asked.

"Um...preferably yours. I don't really want Hopper to hear what's going on," El said in a hushed tone.

"Okay! My mom and I can come get you," she said.

"That would be great..."

"I'll see you in a bit," Max said. She hung up the phone and less than an hour later Max and her mom were in the driveway. Hopper gave her the okay to stay with Max for the night. She climbed into the backseat of the car. It was quiet the whole way to Max's house, but as soon as they got home and Max shut her bedroom door, El burst into tears.

"Oh my god El what's wrong?!" Max asked. She hugged her best friend tight, letting her cry. After a couple minutes, El calmed down and she and Max sat back on the bed.

"What's going on?" Max asked. She reached into a drawer in her bedside table and pulled out a bag of chips-her's and El's favorite. They had one every time they had a sleepover.

"Mike..." El whimpered.

"What did he do? Do I need to kill him?" Max asked.

"He's been...he's been distant. He's pulling back from me. And I know it's my fault. Every time we're together he acts like there's something bothering him..."

Max sighed. She and Mike had never gotten along, so her instant instinct was to insult him and be rude. But El always got upset when she did that, so she bit her tongue.

"You know me...I want to say dump his ass again. But I know it doesn't make sense to dump before you even try to have a conversation with him about it. I've learned that the hard way dating Lucas. I would say he might be keeping a secret from you. Next time you're together, pry a little bit. Subtly mention different topics and see which one makes him most nervous. Whichever one makes him most nervous-keep making conversation about it," Max said. El ate a handful of chips, contemplating what she wanted to say. She was also a sucker for them, so she always felt better when she ate them.

"What do you think it's about?" El asked.

"I...I honestly don't know. It seems kind of random to me. I'm sorry. I wish I had better advice," Max said with a sigh.

"It's okay. It helps to just hang out here with you," El said. They sat in silence for a bit, eating chips.

"I have an idea!" Max said.

"What is it?"

"You and Mike and Lucas and I go on a double date. We can all hang out and then Lucas and I can keep an eye on you two and see if we can pick up on anything. Plus, we're all friends and we haven't hung out in a while. It'll be fun!" Max said. El hesitated for a moment. But then she smiled and gave in.


"I'll call Lucas and Mike later tonight and we'll set something up," Max said. El nodded and smiled, but she looked down at her lap and fiddled with her fingers. She was scared that it might be the end for her and Mike. And for good.


"You look really nice tonight," Mike said. He opened the car door for El and then got in the driver's side. It was awkwardly silent the entire way to the restaurant where they were meeting Max and Lucas.

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