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Mike was always good at keeping himself together. He never showed he was hurting or scared. Especially when it came to El. He stayed strong. For her.

But the day he got the phone call that Nancy was killed in a car accident, he struggled to remain...composed.

"Mike, is everything okay?" El asked, standing in the doorway beside him. He held the phone in his hand, time standing still. He felt...goodness he didn't know how he felt. He was sad. Hurt. Scared. And oh so lost. Too many emotions overwhelmed him at once. The phone slipped from his hand and fell, hanging by the cord and resting slightly on the floor.

"Mike...?" El asked. He looked at her with wide eyes. He wasn't going to cry. At least, not yet.

"I have to go...to the uh...the hospital...Nancy died in a car accident..." He stuttered. He wasn't entirely sure how to speak anymore.

"Oh my goodness okay...um...let me get my coat..." El said.

"I think you should stay here. Only family can go right now. I'll call you later," Mike said. His voice was so monotonous, like he'd lost his ability to feel. He put his coat on and walked out the door and El sighed, sitting on the couch and wondering how she would be there for him if he was going to shut down. And she knew he would.


For days, Mike ignored all of her calls.

"Grief shows itself in strange ways. Give him time," Joyce said. But she knew Mike. And he was a very...feeling person. He wouldn't show it, but he was sensitive. And sometimes his emotions controlled him. Then, on the day of Nancy's funeral, he finally picked up the phone.

"What?" He said, almost forcefully. As if he was wondering why anyone was bothering him.

"Mike it's El. I've called you like ten times in the last couple days. What's going on?" El asked.

"Yea I heard your calls. I don't want to talk right now," he said and hung up. El sighed and leaned back against the wall.

"You ready?" Joyce asked. El nodded and they rode to the cemetery, where the funeral was being held. The car ride was silent, and all El could think about was seeing Mike. And trying to help him.

They pulled up and El saw the Wheelers standing together. A sobbing Karen held Holly in her arms, who was also crying. She was surprised to see Ted shed a tear. Then her eyes fell on Mike. He stared at the coffin in front of him, his eyes blank and his face devoid of any emotions. His hands were tucked into his pockets, his hair blowing slightly in the wind. El cried a little as the priest spoke and they tossed roses on her coffin. She and Nancy weren't close, exactly, but Nancy helped care for her and keep her safe under several circumstances, so it was hard to say goodbye.

Everyone started to leave, and El went over to the Wheelers.

"I'm so sorry Karen," she said. Karen and Holly and Ted gave her hugs. They finally knew her. And then she turned to Mike, who was still staring at the hole where Nancy's coffin was placed.

"Mike..." she said, standing at his side. He didn't acknowledge her. He just turned and followed his family, getting in the car and leaving without a word.

El showed up at the Wheeler's house the next day without a word. Of course, Karen let her in. She had a cup of tea with Karen and they talked.

"Is uh...is Mike in his room?" El asked.

"Yea. He won't come out unless he's going to the bathroom or getting some water. Other than that he just...sits in there, reading the same book over and over again," Karen said and wiped her eyes.

"Can I go see him?" She asked.

"Of course," Karen said and gave her a small, slightly forced smile. El got up and went upstairs and knocked on Mike's bedroom door. He didn't answer, but she pushed the door open and stepped in anyway.

"Hey there..." she said and sat down on the end of his bed, putting her hands in her lap awkwardly.

"Hi," Mike grumbled. Well, one word was better than nothing.

"Mike, talk to me, please. You shouldn't be alone," El said. She put a hand on his leg and he looked up at her.

"Talk about what?" He asked, still barely above a whisper.

"How you're feeling," El said and scooted closer to him, grabbing one of his hands. He looked at their connected hands and then, all of a sudden, he burst into tears. And his tears quickly turned to sobs and he fell forward into El's arms, crying against her chest. She cried at the sight of her boyfriend breaking down in her arms. For at least an hour, she held him tight, running her fingers through his curls while he cried his heart out.

"I'm so sorry Mike..." El choked and kissed the top of his head. She didn't know what else to say. How could she try to make him feel better about his sister dying? The only way he'll feel better is with time and knowing he's not alone. She had to accept that this was something she couldn't just fix. And it sucked. She wanted to take the pain away.

Eventually, Mike stopped crying and just laid in her arms. She never once took her arms from around him.

"I love you Mike. And you're going to get through this. I won't leave your side," El whispered.

"I'm sorry I ignored you and treated you like shit..." he muttered.

"Don't apologize. It's okay," she said and kissed his forehead. He buried his face in her shoulder and she giggled to herself. It was a reverse of the way they usually cuddled, but she didn't mind. He was in pain and he needed her, and she'd be there for him.

"I love you El," he said quietly.

"I love you too," she said. She traced circles on his back and he fell asleep laying at her side.

When he woke up, he finally felt rested for this first time in days.

"Good morning," El said and smiled at him. For a moment, he could forget about the pain he was in, seeing his beautiful girlfriend smiling down at him in the bright morning sunlight. And he smiled. El's heart swelled, seeing him smiling again. And then he leaned in towards her. For the first time in days, they kissed. And he felt something again. It was a small spark. But it was a start. To get back into his desire to live. And he knew he'd be okay.

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