Alone in the Void

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" don't have to do this..." Mike said, sitting down next to her on the couch.

"I know. But I need to. For all of us...please just trust me," El said softly. Mike's heart fluttered when she looked at him with her big, brown doe eyes.

"Okay. I trust you. But I'll be right here beside you the whole time. Okay?" Mike said. She put her hands on his cheeks and kissed him softly.

"Promise?" She asked.

"I promise," he said. She nodded and he pressed his forehead to hers for a moment before she sat back and wrapped the blindfold around her eyes. Mike rested his elbow on his knees and his chin on his hand, biting at his nails anxiously and staring at El, ready to be there for her.

El found herself searching for what felt like hours, trying to find where Billy was at. She started to breath heavily and was clawing at the couch, obviously getting scared.

"El? El are you okay?" Mike asked.

"I'm okay..." she mumbled. She fell silent again and calmed back down and minutes went by in silence, her nose bleeding heavily from both sides. Mike grabbed a tissue and gently wiped some of the blood away. Suddenly, her breathing picked up pace again and she start whimpering in fear.

El removed her blindfold quickly, ready to turn to Mike immediately. But the fear she felt when he-and all of her friends- weren't in the room, was entirely overwhelming.

"Mike..." she mumbled as she turned her head to where he had been sitting.

"Mike...? Mike! Mike! MIKE!" Her voice turned from mumbles to cries to screams as she called his name.

"He can't hear you," Billy said as he emerged from the other room.

"Mike...Mike...? Mike! Mike! MIKE!" El cried. Everyone looked back and forth at each other. They shouldn't be able to hear her while she's yelling in the void.

"El! Eleven! I'm right here! El!" Mike shouted, shaking her shoulders. El's entire body was trembling and tears poured down her face and her nose was bleeding worse than before. Mike cried as he tried to bring her back to reality. She was gasping for air, her throat closed up in panic.

"El please! Please I'm right here!" Mike cried. Suddenly she ripped her blindfold off her face, swiping tears and blood up her cheeks.

"NOOO!" She screeched at the top of her lungs. She turned to Mike and saw his face and she put her hand on his cheek, confirming he was really physically there, before collapsing into his arms as a sobbing, shaking mess.

"El it's okay! I'm right here!" He said, cradling her head against his chest and massaging the back of her head. Max and Nancy rushed over, one with a washcloth and the other with a glass of water.

"No!" She cried, shrinking away from them and further into Mike's arms. It absolutely shattered his heart to see her so afraid and broken and small.

"Hey hey it's just us. It's Max and Nancy," Nancy said softly.

"Here, let me," Mike said. Max poured a small bit of the cold water onto the washcloth and they handed it to Mike. He held onto El tightly still and used his other hand to run the cloth gently under her nose, cleaning up the blood. El flinched at first but she settled and let him clean her face up.

"Here," he said, holding the glass of water up her lips. She took a few sips and then huddled back up against Mike.

"Do you want to tell us what happened?" Max asked.

"Give her a minute," Mike hissed. El was starting to calm down, but she was still trembling and her breath was still kind of labored. Max sat back away from them, discreetly rolling her eyes.

After a few more minutes, El looked up at Mike.

"I can tell you guys now," she whispered.

"You sure?" He asked. She nodded and he kissed her forehead softly. She sat up and folded her hands in her lap.

"He said they were building it for me. To stop me," El said.

"They know you're the only person who can stop them...if you're out of the way-" Nancy started.

"Then they can do whatever they want," Lucas said and finished her sentence.

"He also said that once I was dead he would kill all of you guys," El said.

"Oh, well that's nice," Max said and folded her arms against her chest.

"And then once we were dead, he said they'd kill everyone else. The whole world," El said. She choked up a bit and a slight whimper escaped her lips. She felt herself start to cry again and she crawled back into Mike's arms. He ran his fingers through her hair softly and held onto her tight.

"It's going to be okay El. It's going to be okay..." Mike said. She had never been so afraid and weak in her life, and she hated it. Then will started to walk to the door and he went on the front porch. They watched as he put his hand to the back of his neck and then came inside and shut the door, locking it behind him. He began to move stuff in front of the doors and windows, blocking everything off.

"Will? Will!" Mike shouted. Will stopped and stood still and looked at him.

"What's going on what are you doing?" Mike asked. Will rubbed the back of his neck again and glanced back at the door, then back at El and Mike.

"He knows we're here. And he's coming."

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