Fourth of July

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(Age: 21)

El stretched her legs out on the chaise chair and slipped her sunglasses on. Max did the same beside her, both of the girls laying in the sun.

"This is the life," Max said.

"Mmhmm..." El agreed. The sunshine on her skin felt warm and relaxing. The guys were on the other side of the pool on the patio, prepping food for their big Fourth of July cookout before they went to the fireworks.

"Are you excited for your first ever firework show tonight?" Max asked.

"Yes! I've always wanted to see fireworks. They're fascinating," El said. She took a sip of her drink and sighed contently. It was hot outside. The perfect poolside summer day. And to make matters even better, it was a Saturday.

"Hey El!" Mike shouted.

"What!" She shouted back, her eyes still closed behind her sunglasses. She didn't get a response and she sat forward and lowered her sunglasses, just in time for all four of the boys to cannonball into the pool right in front of them, splashing both of them.

"Mike what the hell!" El said.

"Seriously Lucas?!" Max said. The guys all got out of the pool laughing their asses off and Mike walked over to El.

"Awe I'm sorry baby come here and give me a hug," he teased. He was soaking wet and El was wrapped up in her towel already.

"No I'm mad at you," she said.

"Awe come on, you can't stay mad at me," he chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. She was biting her cheeks trying not to smile.

"Is that a smile on your lips? Hmm? Hmmmm?" He teased and a smile broke out on her face and she turned around and put her hands on his chest.

"You're an asshole," she said.

"But you love me," he laughed.

"Yes, I do," she giggled. She stood on her tiptoes and her lips grazed his and then she pushed him in the pool.

"I cannot believe you just did that!" He shouted when he resurfaced, but he was smiling. El giggled and jumped into the pool beside him and when she surfaced she wrapped her around around his neck and kissed him sweetly while he put his arms around her waist.

"Truce," she said with a wide smile.

"Fine, truce," he said with a sarcastic smile and eye roll. He leaned in and grazed his lips over hers before kissing her super softly.

"You have no idea how in love with you I am," he said.

"I love you so much," she said and kissed him again.

"Alright you two get out of there so we can eat supper. And I need my drinking buddy," Max said, motioning for them to get out of the pool. They swam to the ladder and climbed out El wrapped up in her towel again and grabbed her drink, quickly gulping the rest down before it got any warmer. She felt her body tingle from the sudden intake of the alcohol and had to let out a small laugh.

"Good god El are you trying to get wasted before we even see the fireworks?" Max asked.

"No I just didn't want to drink it warm. That's gross," she said and put more ice in her cup and poured herself more to drink. They made themselves plates of burgers and chips and fruit and sat together at the table on the deck.

"So the fireworks start at sundown, but we should get there kind of early so we can get a good spot to sit so we can see. Gotta have the very best spot for El's first firework show," Will said.

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