Nightmares Pt. 3

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Nancy woke up realizing that letting El sleep in her room was a mistake.

El woke up at 2 in the morning screaming and gasping for air, her cheeks covered with tears. Nancy threw her covers off and turned on the light, running to El's side. In another minute, Karen and Joyce were in the doorway, Mike standing behind them. Joyce came over to El's bed and sat down and Nancy looked at her with terrified eyes. El threw her arms around Joyce but then she saw Mike in the doorway, his eyes wide with fear. She pulled away from Joyce and got up and ran over to the doorway and threw her arms around Mike.

"El," he said softly, putting his arms around her and petting her hair. It was almost instantaneous that she started to calm down and tightened her grip on Mike. Everyone stared at them as Mike continued to comfort her, talking in her ear.

"I'm here. I'm not going anywhere," he said softly.

"Promise?" El choked.

"I promise," he said. He tucked some hair behind her ear and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. She smiled and rested her head back against his chest.

"Let's get you back to bed," he said. She nodded and Mike walked her over to her bed and put the covers over her. He kissed her forehead again and El was already falling back asleep. Everyone went to leave but she caught Mike's hand as he started to walk away.

"Stay...please," she whimpered.

"I..." he stuttered. He looked over at his mom, then at Joyce, and then at Nancy. He looked at his mom again with pleading eyes and she sighed.

"Fine. But only because Nancy will still be in here," she said. Both Mike and El let out a sigh of relief and Mike climbed under the covers with El, pulling her into his arms. She turned to face him and buried her face into his chest, curling up as close to him as possible. Karen and Joyce left, shutting the door. Nancy climbed back into her own bed and switched the light back off. El quickly fell back asleep, wrapped warmly in Mike's arms.


El had just come out of the bathroom from putting her pajamas on the next night. She had threw on one of Mike's shirts and hugged herself as she walked down the hall. Mike was sitting in his room, reading a book for school.

"Mike?" El asked from the doorway. He put his book down and hopped out of bed, walking over to her.

"Are you okay?" He asked, gently caressing her cheeks. She nodded softly and leaned into his touch.

"I love you," Mike said softly. El's eyes shot open and she gave him a wide eyed look.

" me?" She asked, her eyes watering a bit.

"Yes. I love you more than words can explain. You're the most important thing in the world to me," Mike said, his own eyes tearing up a bit.

"I love you too," El whispered. He pulled her face to his and their lips met roughly but passionately. She and Mike backed into his room and shut the door. They knew they'd get in trouble for it but they didn't care at the moment. Mike sat down on his bed and rested his back against the headboard. El climbed on top of him and wrapped her arms around his neck, crashing her lips back to his. He put his arms around her and rested his hands on her back.

"Do you think your mom will kill us if I stay in here tonight?" El giggled. Mike felt his heart melt at the sound of her laugh.

"Yea probably. But maybe not if we leave the door open," he said.

"I don't want to sleep without you tonight," El said, her mood suddenly shifting.

"What was your nightmare about last night El?"

"I've been...I've been having a lot of nightmares. Every night for months. I haven't had a single night of uninterrupted sleep in months. But the last few's been bad. You remember how the mind flayer had human hosts? First Will then Billy? Well I keep having nightmare that it takes you. And I have to fight you. And...and..." El chokes.

"And what? What is it?"

"I have to kill you. I have to watch you die," El choked out, suddenly crying again.

"Hey hey hey, it's okay. The mind flayer is dead. It can't hurt us anymore. It can't hurt you and it can't hurt me. I'm not going anywhere," Mike said softly, putting a hand on her cheek and wiping the tears away with his thumb.

"Promise?" El whined.

"I promise," he said softly. She took in the sound of his voice as he promised he was okay. Hearing his voice soothed her. She kissed him sloppily and then rested her forehead against his, still sitting on his lap.

"I'm not going anywhere El. I promise," he reassured her, rubbing her back slowly. She climbed off of him and cuddled up against his side, throwing a leg over him and resting her head against his chest. He put his arm around her and rubbed her arm soothingly, his other hand holding hers, resting on his stomach.

"Get some sleep El. I'll be right here," he said gently. He kept his arm around her the entire time and she eventually drifted to sleep. Mike smiled at her and kept rubbing her arm until he was sure she was asleep, then closed his eyes and rested his head on top of hers, still sitting up against the headboard. He closed his eyes and fell asleep fast, happy that his girl was laying at his side.


El's eyes opened slowly in the morning and she saw Mike laying next to her, reading his book with his one arm around her still. He felt her shuffle a bit and set his book down, instantly turning his attention to her.

"Good morning," he said with a dorky smile on his face. She looked up at him and smiled back softly and leaned his head down til their lips met. She smiled into their kiss and reached up to run her fingers through his hair.

"You didn't have any nightmares last night," Mike said softly, their lips still lingering together. El's eyes went wide when she realized Mike was right.

"I didn't! You're right oh my goodness! I didn't have nightmares!" El said. She jumped up and danced around excitedly.

"I love you Mike! I love you!" El said excitedly and jumped back into the bed in his arms. She nuzzled her nose against his and wrapped arms around his neck. Mike wrapped his arms around her gently and kissed her.

"I wish you were with me every night," El said, tracing circles on his chest.

"One day I will be," Mike said softly. He kissed her lips; then her cheek; then her jaw; and finally moved down to her neck and to her collarbone. El ran her fingers through his hair and sighed, leaning her head back.

"Promise?" El asked.


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