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(Requested by @SondaCreasy. Enjoy love:))
(Y'all this one may be a little longer than normal, but aye that's okay cuz we love detailed angst and fluff)

It had been three months since the Byers had moved away, taking Eleven with them. And Mike was going insane.

He was sitting in his math class with Dustin and Lucas. They had all teamed up for some group work in class that day, but he wasn't interested.

"Did you guys get the answer? I can't figure this problem out," Mike said, scribbling out the work he already had on his paper, which he knew was wrong.

"It's 11," Dustin said nonchalantly.

"Wait what did you just say?" Mike asked.

"Seriously dude? Pay attention. The answer's 11," Dustin said. Mike sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Good god I can't do this," he mumbled and slammed his pencil down. He stood up from his seat and gathered all of his stuff and walked away.

"Mike where are you going?" Lucas asked.

"Home!" He shouted and walked out the classroom door, ignoring the teacher shouting at him.

"What's his deal?" Dustin asked.

"The answer was eleven," Lucas said and rolled his eyes.

Mike walked home slowly. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't focus on school and he missed his girl. He was just kind of...stuck. She must've started going to school because she barely had time to talk. He wondered if she even missed him. Cuz he missed her like no tomorrow.

He got home and unlocked the door with his key, stepping inside and locking the door behind him. Luckily, he was home alone. He ran upstairs to his bedroom and dug in his dresser for the money he had saved. He counted it; plenty of a bus ticket. So he packed clothes and toiletries in a backpack and left for the bus station. He watched his mom pull into the driveway from behind a tree across the street. He should say goodbye, but she'd never let him go. He kept walking; school wouldn't be out for a couple hours so he'd been long gone before his friends could come look for him; which he knew they would.

He payed for the ticket to where the Byers lived and climbed on the bus. Within the next fifteen minutes, the bus was leaving from the station. Mike stared out the window, tapping his leg anxiously in anticipation of seeing his girl.

The bus pulled into the station in Chicago. He had the Byers' address on a sheet of paper, so he flagged down a taxi to take him there. The car pulled up in front of the house and he paid the driver. His heart was pounding a million miles an hour. He walked to the door and knocked. And then she opened the door. The girl he wanted to see so desperately.

"Mike?!" She said, her jaw falling open.

"Hey baby," he said with a smile. El's face spread into a huge smile and she pulled him into the house and jumped into his arms.

"I missed you..." she said.

"I missed you too..." he said and hugged her tight. She tightened her grip on him and then pulled away and stood on her tip toes and kissed him.

"Are you here alone?" He asked, putting his arms around her waist.

"Yes. Joyce has been doing lots of research trying to find me a good school, so I stay here during the day," she said.

"So I need to leave by...what time?" He asked.

"You don't leave. I keep you in the basement in a tent like you did with me," she said and smiled. Mike couldn't help but smile and kiss her forehead.

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