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(Requested by @SondaCreasy. Enjoy as always love!:))
(Age: 18)

Joyce woke up in the morning hearing what sounded like vomiting. She jumped up from bed and saw El's bedroom light on and the bathroom light.

"El? El honey are you alright?" Joyce asked, knocking on the door.

"Just a second..." she choked. Joyce heard the toilet flush and then the door unlocked and opened.

"I don't feel good..." she said. Joyce reached up and put the back of her hand on El's forehead.

"You're burning up. I'm going to keep you from school today," Joyce said.

"No I can't I...I have a math quiz..."

"You'll be fine. They'll allow you to make it up another day."

El nodded and leaned on Joyce's shoulder and she guided her back to her room. She lifted the blankets up and El climbed under them.

"I'm going to call Mrs. Wheeler, see if she'll come over and take care of you today. Will is going to be at school and Jonathan and I have to work," Joyce said.

"Mike..." she said.

"Mike has to go to school," Joyce said gently as she laid a cool, wet washcloth on El's forehead. She nodded and pulled her covers up, shivering.

"You cold?"

El nodded and Joyce went into the closet and grabbed a spare quilt and tossed it over her.

"I'll be right back," Joyce said. She went out and dialed the Wheelers' number.

"Hello?" Mike answered.

"Mike, good morning. Is your mom there?"

"MOM, PHONE!" Mike shouted. He passed the phone to his mom and ran downstairs to listen in on the other line.

"Hey Karen, it's Joyce. Listen, El was throwing up just a bit ago, and she needs to be home for the day. But no one is home to take care of her. I was wondering if you'd be able to buzz over and make sure she's okay," Joyce said.

"Holly doesn't have a babysitter today. I'd have to bring her with me," Karen said. Mike ran up the stairs and landed in front of his mom.

"I can take care of her," He said.

"You have school-"

"My attendance has been flawless this year. Missing one day won't kill me. That's my girl, I want to take care of her. Please mom," Mike said. Karen sighed and lifted the phone back up.

"Mike is going to come over and take care of her for the day," Karen said and looked at her son. Mike nodded and got dressed and Karen drove him over to the Byers'.

"Thanks for bringing him over," Joyce said.

"I couldn't stop him," Karen said and hugged him.

"I'll call you when I get out of work to let you know he's good to leave," Joyce said. Karen nodded and everyone left. Mike went to El's room and knocked on the door.


She shifted slightly and looked at him and her lips spread into a wide smile.

"Joyce said you couldn't be here cuz of school," El said.

"My mom let me take the day off. How are you feeling?"

"Dehydrated, hot and cold at the same time, nauseous, everything bad," she mumbled. Mike walked over and climbed on her bed beside her.

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